(Skysports) 華倫西亞炒科里斯
華倫西亞炒教頭科里斯, 其實佢帥位不穩既傳聞已持續左一段時間, 不過最近歐聯爆冷被洛辛堡擊敗, 而西甲對西維爾亦大敗 0-3 成為導火線. 現時由預備組教練奧斯卡費南迪斯為看守領隊. 據西班牙傳媒報導, 摩連奴可能接任 ......另外, 之前亦有傳科里斯可能會去西維爾, 可見宜家既領隊出出入入猶如音樂椅一樣 ......
格蘭 -- 車仔
摩連奴 -- 華倫西亞??
科里斯 -- 西維爾??
拉莫斯 -- 熱刺
坦卡特 -- 車仔
祖爾 -- 阿積士??
Skysports -- [url]http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11827_2833156,00.html[/url]
Valencia sack Flores
Flores gets the axe at Valencia
Last updated: 29th October 2007
Valencia have sacked coach Quique Sanchez Flores following Sunday's 3-0 defeat to Sevilla.
Flores' position has been the subject of intense speculation all season with the coach failing to win over the club's fans.
Wednesday's embarrassing UEFA Champions League defeat to Rosenborg piled the pressure on Flores and Sunday's reverse to Sevilla was the last straw for the Valencia board.
The club have named reserve team boss Oscar Fernandez as a caretaker coach.
Former Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has been mentioned as a possible replacement for Flores in the Spanish press.
[[i] Last edited by kakeidevil on 2007-10-29 at 11:34 PM [/i]] 如果摩連奴教華倫
一定好勁... 摩連奴教華倫, 第一季打d好成績出黎, 你慌d老闆唔放水佢入貨, 其實今季華倫人腳都唔差 嘩
咁就有好戲睇喇 no. liverpool will sack benitez due to dissapoint performance even using lot of money. morinho fill the gap, buy drogba and beat chelsea. benitez go back to valencia to achieve title as before. [quote]Originally posted by [i]Aristo~[/i] at 2007-10-29 10:05 PM:
咁就有好戲睇喇 [/quote]
未証實架 各位華西fans
大家真係覺得華西需要摩師嗎? 摩帥去華倫
咪又再遇列卡特@o@ [quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2007-10-29 11:37 PM:
大家真係覺得華西需要摩師嗎? [/quote]
Valencia need Mourinho for sure, and a better owner, better marketing director 摩連奴帶華倫應該不錯啊
西甲有好野睇 咁不如炒埋安察洛提!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]jpq[/i] at 2007-10-29 10:41 PM:
no. liverpool will sack benitez due to dissapoint performance even using lot of money. morinho fill the gap, buy drogba and beat chelsea. benitez go back to valencia to achieve title as before. [/quote]
哈, 咁都比你諗到....;););)
不如話阿仙奴會炒左雲加, 搵摩連奴重投倫敦打做新阿仙奴,
而費格信會告老歸田回歸蘇超, 曼聯無人教之下只好請賓尼迪斯過檔...
[color=Red]利物浦被撬主帥後, "英超董建華"侯利亞將重回晏菲路...
我最記得佢走果時講過, [b]"我, 總有一天會番黎呢度[/b]!!"[/color]:D:D:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]jpq[/i] at 2007-10-29 10:41 PM:
no. liverpool will sack benitez due to dissapoint performance even using lot of money. morinho fill the gap, buy drogba and beat chelsea. benitez go back to valencia to achieve title as before. [/quote]
就算利物浦真係會炒賓尼迪斯嘅話, 佢都唔方會返華倫西亞, 因為當年佢剛去利物浦時承認同華倫西亞嘅高層不咬弦. 至於同利物浦, 尤其係球迷如此敵對嘅摩連奴去執教利物浦就更加無咩可能了 ...... :)
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2007-10-30 at 04:47 PM [/i]] 就在華倫西亞主場對皇馬比賽開戰前夕,從荷蘭傳來消息,現任燕豪芬主帥高文已經同意執教華倫西亞,荷蘭球會還透露昔日巴塞巨星已經跟蝙蝠軍團簽訂了一份為期三年的合同。