你咪笑得咁過癮, 我話你知, 一陣搵搵下搵唔到...
u21皮亞斯頂上, 果時問你死未?
皮亞斯, 我鐘意佢落場多d...:dev: [/quote]
哈哈 ....
就算係舒利亞, 我都係鐘意佢落場多d ...... :D:D:D
佢連做教練既經驗都無, 搵佢亦係好冒險下 ........
要英國人, 又要有豐富國際賽領軍經驗既, 不如搵鶴臣啦, 可能肯架喎, 否則真係無其他架喇, 唔通仲要搵波比 SIR 佢老人家出山咩 ...... :D:D:D
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2007-11-24 at 01:53 AM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2007-11-24 01:52 AM:
哈哈 ....
就算係舒利亞, 我都... [/quote]
其實我鐘意 哈利列納, 鶴臣應該唔會同大家癲架啦...
個人都係怕怕...你認為96年euro如果唔係主場, 入得到4強ma?
我只係記得8強對西班牙一場, 肉酸非常... 我又覺得搵摩連奴既機會不大﹗英足總咁鬼保守,摩帥向來鍾意點火頭,到時英足可能每日都要幫摩帥解畫都未定。其實舒利亞都唔係無機會,只係英總再無輸的機會,所以搵個有口碑既領隊機會大啲﹗相對黎講,卡比路成數好高。又或者英總比個「驚喜」大家,既然選得麥記,一於唔信邪再黎多鋪,就搵米堡領隊修夫基啦。:D:D:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]eric911[/i] at 2007-11-24 03:40 AM:
我又覺得搵摩連奴既機會不大﹗英足總... [/quote]
嘩, 睇唔出你都幾毒架wor...:eek: [quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2007-11-24 02:00 AM:
其實我鐘意 哈利列納, 鶴臣應該唔... [/quote]
雲拿保斯本身有唔錯嘅執教球會同國際賽經驗, 佢當年教英格蘭都算係咁喇, 我覺得佢揀人揀得唔錯, 敢用敢去試. 當年 "雙舒" 前鋒組合 -- 果陣好多場國際賽冇波入嘅舒利亞同埋效力熱刺嘅舒寧咸, 就係晌 d 友賽之類既賽事試出黎 (點會好似麥生咁, 生死大戰先走去試新人, 諗住危急關頭可以迫佢出小宇宙咩 ...... :D:D:D) , 起初都受到質疑, 後尾又得咗 ...... 整体來講, 我收貨架, 例如 Euro 96 大勝希汀克嘅荷蘭 4-1, 就算4 强對德國輸左, 但表現一 d 都唔失禮, 加上欠運, 然後互射 12 碼飲恨, 真係可以話係打得好而出局 ...... 我果陣睇完都覺得好唔抵 ......
哈利列納有豐富嘅執教球會經驗, 擅長為有限 budget 嘅中型班點石成金, 最叻就係教韋斯咸同埋宜家教樸茅, 打法好睇之餘亦有實際. 只係佢無咩帶隊打歐洲賽同國際賽嘅 track record, 唔知足總會否考慮呢樣嘢呢?
鶴臣就執教過多支英國以外嘅球會同國家隊, 球會有瑞士草蜢, 意甲國際米蘭, 英超布力般等等, 不過教國家隊就比較好, 最叻就係帶當時仲係已有幾十年無緣出席國際大賽既瑞士國家隊晉身 94 世界盃同 96 歐國盃決賽周. 宜家帶緊歐洲二, 三線實力嘅芬蘭國家隊, 又幾 ok 喎, 只係晌歐國盃外圍賽 A 組差葡萄牙 3 分, 排第 3 未能出線. 無錯, 佢唔係頂級, 亦無咩星味, 不過已經係條件比較好嘅本地薑之一, 佢係英國人, 咁多年未重返英國球壇, 應該對佢有 D 吸引力掛 ...... 當然, 我仍然覺得揾外國教頭係 first priority ...... :)
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2007-11-24 at 11:39 AM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2007-11-24 11:29 AM:
雲拿保斯本身有唔錯嘅執教球會同... [/quote]
講得好, 但我諗番佢地上次竟然會揀老麥....
黎緊都唔知會點, 真係無眼睇...:giveup: [quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2007-11-24 11:52 AM:
講得好, 但我諗番佢地上次竟然會揀老麥....
黎緊都唔知會點, 真係無眼睇...:giveup: [/quote]
哈哈 ....... 可能真係 ..........
[b][color=Black]修夫基[/color][/b] :dev::dev::kicking::kicking::naughty::naughty: 點解冇人諗吓新特籣堅尼呢?本人覺得以佢性格應該食得住班大牌英格籣球星!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]veyokia[/i] at 2007-11-24 02:03 PM:
點解冇人諗吓新特籣堅尼呢?本人覺得以佢性格應該食得住班大牌英格籣球星!! [/quote]
堅尼會啋佢地先奇, 佢係愛爾蘭人, 唔係英國人, 更唔係英格蘭人...
即係香港有難, 叫條日本仔黎救你, 會理你先怪啦....
佢地見到d英國佬咁折墮, 笑都笑餐飽啦...:dev: [quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2007-11-24 11:29 AM:
雲拿保斯本身有唔錯嘅執教球會同... [/quote]
但可惜 英格蘭足總竟視若無睹 :haha:
最慘係麥卡倫累埋佢 炒麥卡倫就好啦
仲有炒埋佢 麥兄你好野 :good: [quote]Originally posted by [i]eric911[/i] at 2007-11-24 03:40 AM:
我又覺得搵摩連奴既機會不大﹗英足總... [/quote]
再玩多次火 英格蘭足總全體成員
分分鐘比人殺晒都似 :haha:
(BBC News) Van Gaal would take England job
現時執教荷甲阿爾克馬爾嘅雲高爾表示有興趣執教英格蘭國家隊, 佢同阿爾克馬爾所簽嘅合約內有一條款 -- 如果佢執教國家隊, 球會就要放佢走.唔知點解, 一諗起雲高爾, 我就記得佢執教荷蘭國家隊果陣打世界盃歐洲區外圍賽, 對愛爾蘭出 4 前鋒都咬人唔入, 當時至經典嘅係揾哈索賓基晌右翼位出波 ...... :eek::eek::eek: 最後荷蘭緣盡世界盃嘅一幕 ...... :D:D:D:D:D:dev::dev::dev:
BBC -- [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/internationals/7113365.stm[/url]
Van Gaal would take England job
Former Holland coach Louis van Gaal has declared an interest in becoming the next England manager.
The Dutchman has been in charge at AZ Alkmaar since 2005 and has also had spells in charge of Barcelona and Ajax.
Van Gaal, 56, said there is a clause in his AZ contract which allows him to leave for a national team post.
He said: "There are many candidates but I'm willing to do it, otherwise I would not have a clause in my contract about a head coach's job of a national team."
The Football Association has begun the search for a successor to Steve McClaren, who was sacked on Thursday following England's failure to reach the Euro 2008 finals.
A number of high-profile candidates have already said they do not want the job - a post that Van Gaal claims he was offered once before.
"I was asked a few years ago (to take charge of England) but then I said no," he said.
"Maybe they will call me again now but I understand they (the Football Association) have other things on their minds, like digesting the fact they have not qualified for the finals of Euro 2008.
"I know the chance of becoming England coach isn't that big."
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2007-11-27 at 10:03 AM [/i]] 找人人都唔想做...
而家基本上你係得閒既, 或者隨時走得人既, 都會傳你係下一任英格蘭領隊...
回心諗下, 舒利亞, 奇連士文, 賓尼迪斯同而家既雲高爾, 都幾荒謬....:haha: 係我心目中只有摩記先最好 [b][color=Red][size=5]最新消息:[/size][/color][/b]
[color=Blue][size=5][b]Mourinho 'invites England offer' [/b][/size][/color]
Former Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has reportedly expressed an interest in becoming the new England manager.
"You will have to speak to the FA to see if they are interested in offering me the job," he told The Sun newspaper.
"I cannot say what I think until they say they are interested. Tell the FA to come and get me. We will have to wait and see, but I rule nothing out." [i][color=Blue](bbc sport)[/color][/i]
原文: [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/internationals/7116283.stm[/url]
一直受大家奉若神明, 係呢個投票高據榜首既牙擦教練摩連奴,
卒之將開佢談判既大門, 且看保守既英國足總, 會否似上次史高拉利之後,
[[i] Last edited by amigofans on 2007-11-28 at 09:41 AM [/i]] 摩連奴摩連奴摩連奴:clap::clap::clap:.........................................我想:redface::redface: 摩連奴,就看你有無咁神=]] 最新消息: 英足總出招, 斟介摩連奴. 據悉英足總既 "獵頭" 名單包括摩連奴, 卡比路, 奧尼爾, 納比同奇連士文 ......
BBC -- [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/internationals/7132161.stm[/url]
FA 'makes approach' for Mourinho
The Football Association has contacted Jose Mourinho's agent about the former Chelsea boss taking over as England coach, BBC Sport understands.
Mourinho's agent Jorge Mendes has been approached by the FA about the job, although reports that the Portuguese was already in London were incorrect.
It is thought the FA has drawn up a shortlist of five or six contenders.
Mourinho, 44, is on the list and he is considering whether he is prepared to meet FA bosses to talk about the job.
Some newspaper reports claimed Mourinho was either in London already or about to fly into England from Portugal for talks with the FA.
But BBC Sport football correspondent Jonathan Legard said Mourinho was still at home in Portugal on Friday, but that an approach had been made.
"My sources in Portugal told me that Mourinho has been approached about the England job through his agent," said Legard.
"He is said to be considering it, but it is not his first-choice opening. He still has very strong interest in what might develop at the top two Spanish clubs, particularly Real Madrid.
"I understand that the FA's consultation process is all but complete.
"Brian Barwick, the chief executive, and Trevor Brooking have taken their soundings from within the game and as a result we could know the identity of Steve McClaren's successor before Christmas."
The FA, meanwhile, has issued a forceful denial about one report that suggested Barwick and Brooking were at odds over the appointment.
It was claimed Brooking was pushing for West Ham boss Alan Curbishley to take over, while Barwick had set his sights on other "world class" candidates.
The FA's director of communications Adrian Bevington said: "There is no truth in any suggestion of a problem between Brian Barwick and Sir Trevor Brooking, or a conflict or difference of opinion of any sort in appointing the next England manager.
"It is totally without foundation. It is misleading to the public and grossly unfair on Brian and Sir Trevor, who are going about their work in a completely professional manner.
"This is not helpful at a time when we are doing all we can to ensure we get the right man and the best man for the England job, which is what the fans all want."
Barwick met Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger on Thursday while Brooking spent time with Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson last weekend.
Reports suggest the FA's shortlist will include Mourinho, Fabio Capello, Martin O'Neill, Marcello Lippi and Jurgen Klinsmann.
Aston Villa boss O'Neill, who has twice attempted to rule himself out of the running, told The Times on Friday: "I think Jose would be an excellent choice, simple as that.
"An England manager should have the time (to put a good structure in place) because he doesn't have to organise a training session every morning.
"It should be his business to get around and see how the structure operates, to see what is happening at clubs.
"But eventually it's about winning games at first-team level then hoping you can develop something that will stand the football club in great stead, or allow you to make a mark at international level over a period of time."
FA chairman Geoff Thompson said on Thursday: "We are determined to get the right man, at the right time.
"Brian Barwick has been charged with finding a manager to recommend to the FA board and is well under way with the process."
It appears likely that a successor for the recently-sacked Steve McClaren will be installed before the next international - the friendly against Switzerland on 6 February at Wembley.
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2007-12-8 at 11:15 AM [/i]] 摩連奴!!!!!!!! 絕對支持
英格蘭本土冇乜好領隊 各位摩連奴既 Fans 應該會感到失望了, 因為佢同英足總傾完計之後, 表示無意執教英格蘭國家隊. 現時最有力嘅競爭者仲有納比, 卡比路, 奧尼爾同奇連士文 ......
BBC -- [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/internationals/7137282.stm[/url]
Mourinho out of England running
Jose Mourinho has ruled himself out of the running to become England coach.
The former Chelsea boss revealed he had held talks with the Football Association following Steve McClaren's dismissal last month.
But in a statement on his agent's website, Mourinho said: "After serious thought, I decided to exclude myself despite it being a fantastic position.
"I'm sure the FA will hire a great manager, one able to place the team back where it belongs."
Mourinho said he had had "useful filter-004ions" with the FA's chief executive Brian Barwick and director of football Trevor Brooking.
He said: "We exchanged ideas to evaluate the entire situation about the England squad and set the goals in case of a real approach."
After revealing he had opted against putting himself forward as a candidate, Mourinho said: "I reiterate my respect for English football and, after three good years in England, I firmly believe that the England squad will soon be back to their usual great results."
Mourinho emerged as the strong favourite for the England post following McClaren's departure.
BBC Radio 5 Live football correspondent Mike Ingham said: "In many ways he would have been perfect.
"The job is about giving players an extra 10% and I think he would have done that.
"Mourinho ticked all the boxes bar one - I'm not sure how much of a diplomat he would have been."
The Portuguese coach's announcement on Monday will be a blow to FA officials, who were turned down by their first-choice candidate the last time they were recruiting an England manager.
On that occasion, Portugal manager Luis Felipe Scolari rejected the chance to succeed Sven-Goran Eriksson and the FA instead turned to McClaren.
Italian coaches Fabio Capello and Marcello Lippi now head the list of contenders - although BBC Sport has established that neither man has been contacted by the FA.
Former Germany coach Jurgen Klinsmann has been tipped as an "ideal" replacement by Franz Beckenbauer, but has so far made no expression of interest in the job.
Aston Villa manager Martin O'Neill continues to be linked with the job, despite publicly ruling himself out.
The FA is reported to want to name its new coach by 19 December, although England do not have a fixture until 6 February when they will play Switzerland in a friendly, and the next competitive fixture will be a World Cup qualifier next September.