you need to describe the customer profile of the segment that B&Q selected in Hong Kong.U4]9srjwhk4JG
ps.B&Q website : [url]http://www.bnq.com.hk/aboutus.html[/url] 分幾段睇..Z r pp1j;K
you need to describe 去形容.b:mzYYj}#g
the customer profile 顧客的概況
of the segment that B&Q selected in Hong Kong B&Q 主攻 目標市塲S,j)II q?`
4QsH wBGQp
答案: define 佢地既顧客市塲層面, 如收入, 教育, 年齢, 家庭結構等 但係我仲有Q2:you need to identify possible variable (s) or base (s) that B&Q might have used to divide "home improvement" market into different segments.
R K{#S wdf/~P)@-~
咁咪同Q2一樣??? possible variable =可能的變數/基準
問題係後半句「 might have used to divide 」?Z vp,Z#u:n
*HX W^i+t0Y
即 home improvement 分開幾層面梨講5g[7]$d;ey3d1f
答案: 如全屋新裝修+設計 / 番新 / DIY / 傢俱用品 / 傢俬雜物 icic...不過B&Q既顧客市塲層面究竟係咩?好似係人都會幫襯喎... [quote]Originally posted by [i]haukwankin[/i] at 2007-11-28 01:25 PM:Vc5`a,b i
icic...不過B&Q既顧客市塲層面究竟係咩?好似係人都會幫襯喎... [/quote]
係人都會幫襯都係一個市塲層面.. TARGET = ALL