娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

claudiuskwong 發表於 2007-12-7 11:47 PM

依個問題唔同年紀答都唔同 ,
但可以肯定 近30-40者 的答案多數 是 咪傻啦 , 到你條女跑咗 , 你人又無 錢又無 事業又無 , 朋友又無 ....街邊乞食都得 ,
但回想 自己少年時 咪一樣 有異性無同性 ,書又唔讀 , 做嘢又無心機 , 今日咪一樣 ok啦 ...
有時可以放縱是樂事 , 日後也是回憶 , 唔撞板 唔識長大 的 .
但如果發生响我地些中年男人就系慘事 .  唔同意   但同意年紀輕可以試下 .

蕃薯 發表於 2007-12-8 12:31 AM

有好多o野唔試過唔知痛 我以前都有一個行左5年o既女朋友
我為左佢咩都得 我以前做髮型o既時候 佢成日搵我 仲叫我唔好返工
一日兩日三日 慢慢左就孌到冇曬心機工作 成日無所事事 無錢又要問屋企人
感覺好難受架 我同佢分開o個日 好似世界末日o甘 好彩有斑好朋友幫我
到宜家都冇再拍拖 我發現自己唔敢去愛 只係希望樓主知道 有好多o野
返到現實o既時候 真係好難接受 愛o既時候往往好多說話聽唔入耳
覺得自己可以控制到 但當你失控o既時候 就會明白 你係冇可能控制
先用多d時間心機做好目前o既o野先啦 如果佢真係愛你 佢會支持你
唔係乜都唔比你做 你應該先為自己 唔係點比幸福人地呢?

benny0105 發表於 2008-2-24 06:23 PM




shanlinlla 發表於 2008-2-24 11:06 PM

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kmlui3 發表於 2008-2-25 10:33 AM


我為女朋友放棄左金錢(need use $ to go out)
放棄左朋友(no time to meet)
但我can control my 成績

brother, u need to be happy that u can get one girl heart..........
if u love her, no matter 付出any代價 wor.

bunce2806 發表於 2008-2-25 01:27 PM

放棄左金錢 / 放棄左成績 - A lot of great points have already been made above, so I don't have anything to add

放棄左朋友 - This may possibly imply a couple of things:

1. Other people may have told you that "you can do better" by choosing another gf but you don't care how they feel.  If so, I like this in a way - a lot of the time all of us (including myself) care too much about appearances and much how other people think of us, and forget that we don't live for them and should live our lives the way WE feel.

However, it's also possible that others see some kind of "weakness" or really "bad points" about her that you deny, despite pointing out some evidence to you.  If this is true, could they be right?  For example, do you actually love her a lot more than she loves you, and do you know why?

2.  You spend so much time with your gf that you don't have time for anyone else. It's unhealthy if this is true - for one thing, you can choose your gf but you can't choose your family.  Gf's may come and go but family is forever.  You need to maintain good relations and also care about others in your family, and there will also be times when you'll be grateful for their love and support.

~abc~ 發表於 2008-2-26 07:40 PM


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