1.通常佢地要你介紹自己 佢地想知d咩?2.你講完一論,問你有無問題想問? 如果你話無,其實係唔係好大件事 [quote]Originally posted by [i]ASPP[/i] at 2007-12-28 11:39 PM:
1.通常佢地要你介紹自己 佢地想知d咩?/Ea)A)K![%L
2.你講完一論,問你有無問題想問? 如果你話無,其實係唔係好大件事 [/quote]*Rn Lg8@2C0n
1. 想知你有無口吃, chi脷筋, 思覺失調, 語言障礙.....
2. 唔係. 不過通常要問番一兩條以示誠意, 但無都係好小事, 問左蠢問題至係大件事. 1) DO tell them abt where u grad. and ur past experiences and job responsibilities
DONT tell abt ur name, age, etc coz they already know from ur cv
w/u8V$pr)MX w2O
2) ASK questions relate to the job like working hours, job nature, etc
DONT say no questions.
GOOD LUCK! 1. 講d CV/resume冇o既野, e.g.問你學倒d咩, 唔係expect你答d academic o既野, 答學倒人際關係呀, 人地唔合作時自己會點處理呀o個d, 因為講cv有o既野就唔駛interview啦 = =.ga,xV;b!Q9kXN
2. 問d問題show倒你對份工有興趣同想做份工 :secret: