有關Windows Media Player 11???
**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 都算好用,係播放方面,佢支援隨機播放,只要我一click隨機播放個掣就可以聽唔同音樂,另外
佢有個新功能可以幫我將D音樂分類,又可以直接係個player度search,慳左唔少時間 its different for each user, if you like a software that eats your memory its ok, and if you want to use it for style like vista and not care about your performance, its ok
You will have to work with it to be familiar with it, every bad things can make you imun it if you like the software, so to answer your question, i would say, try it enjoy it.
If you don't like it you can always remove it, thats the best way to check if it something for you.