依家碧咸就係用心良苦, 希望以正宗英式足球教化阿仙奴班誤入歧途o既年輕人
佢o既存應該會促使雲加改邪歸正, 減少引入二流外援球員, 咁就唔好再出現好似迪亞比, 法明尼, 迪佐奴呢d 未夠班球員 la [/quote]
[color=Red][size=4]係都教化你呢件智商心理都唔正常o既怪物先啦~ 不過你最好就自我了斷啦, 唔好再污染呢個世界![/size][/color]
***我知我已經犯左版規, 版主有任何行動我完全接受! 不過係有人挑釁在先, 如果剩係針對我一個我就一定唔服!!!
[[i] Last edited by runrun on 2008-1-6 at 03:38 AM [/i]] 乜咸哥個頭搞到好似咁老咁呀:eek: [quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-1-6 03:01 AM:
依家碧咸就係用心良苦, 希望以正宗... [/quote]
咁曼聯d球員算幾流??? 唔係wo..法明尼有時都入左d救命波嫁wo..
碧咸原來又白髮返咩?唔型仔wo.. [quote]Originally posted by [i]runrun[/i] at 2008-1-6 05:37:
[color=Red][size=4]係都教化你呢件... [/quote]
it's be hard to say he'd be attacking you..
he has his freedom to speech........
Well, seems no one agree what he says... just ignore what his says..........
No one can be changed that Arsenal is at the top and the players that he talked about... should be the brightest stars in this season.... (I think in market, Flamini should be more than 15 million pounds now from his performance this year)
How many players can be worth for 15 millions pounds+ as in defensive midfielder in world nowadays? you should know that.
No need to argue.....
[[i] Last edited by brightlee on 2008-1-10 at 09:42 AM [/i]]