沙發了:D:D:D 首先次按唔係二按, 次按全名次級按揭, 是金融機構向有不良信用記錄或冇收入証明的人的房屋貸款.由於貸款利率比普通貸款高好多, 金融機構投放大量資源, 甚至証券化推銷.
開始既時侯的確係一門好生意, 但由於証券化後, 貸款利率被發行人食價, 要保持証券高息率吸引力, 及營業額, 金融機構就加大貸款金額及放寬貸款人資格, 呀豬呀狗都去買樓, 樓價上升令貸款金額又上升, 直至樓市爆破, 貸款金額遠超物業價格, 比你借咗$$都唔還走路啦....
[[i] Last edited by d228216 on 2008-1-22 at 02:29 PM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]逃犯2[/i] at 2008-1-22 02:15 PM:
沙發了:D:D:D [/quote]
no 也 所以usa 真低b ,無收入都可以買樓搞都全世界玩完 [quote]Originally posted by [i]terryng2[/i] at 2008-1-22 04:23 PM:
所以usa 真低b ,無收入都可以買樓搞都全世界玩完 [/quote]
USA醒目就真,将所有住房问题转移到全球投资者果度,本土死几间银行无所谓!因为美国金融历史上就无死少过银行,美国本土就有成千间银行。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]d228216[/i] at 2008-1-22 02:25 PM:
首先次按唔係二按, 次按全名次級按揭,... [/quote]
thank you for answering, but i still have some problem..
証券化=selling the debt to other party? (through securities?)
and why 貸款利率被發行人食價? [quote]Originally posted by [i]Kev[/i] at 2008-1-23 04:50 AM:
thank you for answering, but i ... [/quote]
証券化: In short this means selling the mortgage loans to a separate company and then issuing securities (CDOs) backed up by the loans.
In the old days when banks used to just collect interest on the mortgage loans, they checked the borrowers' ability to repay very carefully. But since some US banks thought they can make more money by securitising these loans instead of just waiting to collect interest, they no longer bothered to check carefully. As the Moderator said (see above post), they just cared about lending more and more money, even to people who cannot possibly repay.
The bubble finally burst about Aug '07, and the economic effects just kept spreading wider. Lots of people can't pay back mortgage loans, banks and funds that bought CDOs lost money as the mortgage loans securing the CDOs are rubbish, stock markets fell, fears of recession as people are afraid to spend money, etc etc. thanks bunce2806 for details
舉例 總資本係$15000, 總貸款係$10000, 息率 13%, 每年收入 = $1300, 回報係8.67%.
扣除行政費依樣果樣債卷最後得番6%. 中間就冇咗 7%.
要提高債卷回報吸引更多投資就只有減低資本比率($15000/$10000)(即借盡d, 如間屋價值$100就借埋裝修傢私大床, 借夠$150), 又或者再高息d(借比信用更低的人).
[[i] Last edited by d228216 on 2008-1-23 at 02:36 PM [/i]] 如果甘简单,就五会有甘多公司中招拉! [quote]Originally posted by [i]atimsi[/i] at 2008-1-23 05:00 PM:
如果甘简单,就五会有甘多公司中招拉! [/quote]
就係咁簡單...有數得計...但佢地全部死喺一樣野度--------貪! 貪高息, 貪回本快, 貪方便, 貪唔駛DO有$$賺.
[[i] Last edited by d228216 on 2008-1-24 at 01:34 PM [/i]]