(BBC News) 雲巴士頓下季執教阿積士
曾與車路士同巴塞隆拿扯上關係既荷蘭國家隊教頭雲巴士頓於今夏歐洲國家盃後, 即 7 月 1 日正式執教荷甲班霸球會阿積士, 簽約 4 年.現年 44 歲既雲巴士頓係前阿積士球員, 司職前鋒, 擁有輝煌既球員生涯, 於 1987 年為阿積士取得歐洲盃賽冠軍盃, 荷甲冠軍 (1982, 1983, 1985) 及荷蘭盃 (1983, 1986, 1987); 於 1987 年轉投 AC 米蘭, 為球隊奪得歐洲冠軍球會盃, 洲際盃及歐洲超級盃 (1989, 1990), 意甲冠軍 (1988, 1992, 1993, 1994) 同埋意大利超級盃 (1988, 1992, 1993). 並且帶領荷蘭國家隊於 1988 年奪取歐洲國家盃; 個人獎項就有 1988, 1989 及 1992 年既歐洲足球先生等等.
雲巴士頓亦曾經係阿積士青年軍教練, 今次重返母會, 相信係同好友告魯夫有關. 佢晌荷蘭國家隊既助教 -- 雲斯捷同埋洛域斯基都會過檔幫佢手. 阿積士自 2004 年以來都未能染指荷甲冠軍, 今次搵擁有阿積士背景既雲巴士頓執教, 且看會否帶來轉機了 ......
BBC -- [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/7259714.stm[/url]
阿積士官網 -- [url]http://english.ajax.nl/web/show/id=154814/contentid=65670[/url]
Van Basten named new Ajax coach
Holland coach Marco van Basten will become the new Ajax coach next season.
The former AC Milan striker will leave his post with the national team after this summer's European Championships to take over at his former club on 1 July.
Van Basten, three times a winner of the European player of the year award, had been linked with Chelsea and Barcelona.
But he has agreed a four-year deal with Ajax after good friend Johan Cruyff was charged with overseeing an overhaul of the ailing Amsterdam club.
Van Basten - a former Ajax player and youth coach - will be assisted by John van't Schip and Rob Witschge, who are also currently with the national side.
He will take over from Adrie Koster, who succeeded Henk ten Cate on a temporary basis after he joined Chelsea last October.
Ajax technical director Martin van Geel said: "We are very happy. They are three ambitious coaches with an Ajax background who all have had international soccer careers and have built up experience as trainers."
The Dutch club have not won their domestic championship since 2004 and trail rivals PSV by nine points in this season's Eredivisie.
Directors held an emergency meeting on Tuesday and announced shortly afterwards that a new technical and sporting structure would be put in place, headed by Cruyff.
Cruyff, who made his name with the club as a player and then as coach, said he would not be taking up a full-time post.
However, his return did heighten speculation that Van Basten would take over as coach after Euro 2008.
"Marco is like me," said Cruyff on Wednesday. "Victory is not enough, there also needs to be beautiful football. I find that wonderful."
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-2-23 at 05:36 PM [/i]] 好友告魯夫? 佢係雲巴士頓恩師噃.
雲巴士頓教[b]阿積士[/b], 列卡特教[b]巴塞[/b], 古列治教[b]洛杉磯銀河[/b], 荷蘭三劍俠二十年後繼續發光發熱, 仲有朗奴高文都教緊[b]華倫西亞[/b], 荷蘭1988好野 ! :clap: [quote]Originally posted by [i]shehboy[/i] at 2008-2-24 05:24:
好友告魯夫? 佢係雲巴士頓恩師噃.
... [/quote]
咁當佢地亦師亦友囉, 篇文話係 "good friend" 嘛 ...... :D