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sbbnuftne. 發表於 2008-2-24 10:40 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]幸運馬迷[/i] at 2008-2-24 08:54 AM:
any movie abo him ? [/quote]



amigofans 發表於 2008-2-24 01:16 PM

希望佢吉人天相, 繼續踢好波....


心火 發表於 2008-2-24 01:42 PM

佢 腳掌斷筋

eric1874 發表於 2008-2-24 01:44 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]runrun[/i] at 2008-2-24 01:45 AM:
傷人者應該判停賽直至傷者康復為止! [/quote]
其實好多時足球場上嚴重地鏟傷人應該=傷人。你o係球場外比人打一拳都未必有o係球場入面比人鏟親咁大穫;其實如果睇得出剷人o個個係蓄意ge話,應該採取法律行動,或者停好耐好耐ge賽先岩!!好似當年堅尼特登(佢o係自傳講)踢傷賀蘭特,令佢養傷左多年,最後仲要掛靴,但堅尼最多只係比人停賽幾場,咁係咪就罰到佢le?試諗下賀蘭特因為lee一次受傷失去左幾多野。從lee d角度去睇足球,真係只是一個野蠻遊戲

皇馬_王子 發表於 2008-2-24 06:55 PM

Arsenal’s spokesperson Amanda Doherty confirmed the surgery was successful. Official information about the severity of the injury as well as prognostics about recovery time will be officially disclosed by the club tomorrow. Journalists will not have a chance to talk to Eduardo until the club allows it, and that won’t be tomorrow, nor while he’s in the hospital.

From the Croatian Media

Summary -
“Looks like the injury isn’t as horrid as it looks. Apparently the first info Primorac got from Arsenal’s doctors is that Edu is rather looking at a 6 months break, not a year-long one.“Looks like the injury isn’t as horrid as it looks. Apparently the first info Primorac got from Arsenal’s doctors is that Edu is rather looking at a 6 months break, not a year-long one. He was promptly operated in Birmingham where it was established that he’d only broken his outer bone (fibula) in his left foot, whereas the inner bone was left intact.only broken his outer bone (fibula) in his left foot, whereas the inner bone was left intact. This was confirmed by both Gary Lewin and Edu’s wife. Further exams will be taken in London, where Edu will be transported tomorrow

估計佢要抖六個月 , 都算係不幸中之大幸 , 上次施斯都抖左幾長時間先出得番

bigfish 發表於 2008-2-24 07:34 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]eric1874[/i] at 2008-2-24 01:44 PM:

其實好多時足球場上嚴重地鏟傷人應... [/quote]
係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah

800 發表於 2008-2-24 07:35 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]皇馬_王子[/i] at 2008-2-24 06:55 PM:
Arsenal’s spokesperson Amanda Doher... [/quote]

runrun 發表於 2008-2-24 07:47 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:

係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]
只可以用"賤格" "冷血" "禽獸"黎形容你!

hamsubboy 發表於 2008-2-24 08:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:

係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]

你講得對, 呢個世界有好多事冥冥中有主宰,
包括果d"不負責任"說話的人, 會好快有報應降臨身上.

掛靴當然係看早定遲, 而不是被一個粗野的英格蘭人踢跛以至掛靴:gun::gun::mad:

如果因為伊度亞度有份踢英格蘭出局, 因而觸動一個粗野的英格蘭人向佢進行報復式踢傷, 而其他英格蘭人覺得呢d叫"冥冥中有主宰", 是什麼道理??????:nogood::noway::gun::mad:
英格蘭人呀!英格蘭人呀! 報應會好快降臨你身上!

[[i] Last edited by hamsubboy on 2008-2-24 at 08:13 PM [/i]]

Xtravagant 發表於 2008-2-24 08:21 PM

not a football expert, but I do know that footballers wear shin pad to prevent these sort of accidents...

but that tackle seemed to break the shin pad first and went on break the ankle / foot ? That's a very scary tackle.. :help:

god bless edu~

hamsubboy 發表於 2008-2-24 08:24 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:

係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]

如果呢一下係五五波(50 50) 而踢傷, 你可以話"冥冥中有主宰",

你有無睇果腳呀? 對方又唔係射門, 豪無威脅, 無lala一腳伸落去.

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2008-2-24 09:10 PM

[b][size=5][color=Red]News about Eduardo's injury:[/color][/size][/b] [size=4][color=Orange](QUOTE from other forum)[/color][/size]

[quote][b]Manager Arsène Wenger[/b] revealed more details of the break, saying that Eduardo [color=Red]suffered multiple breaks on the same leg[/color].

Wenger said: "[color=Blue]The minimum is that Eduardo's season is over and we are scared that it is much worse.[/color]

"The first diagnosis is very, very bad. He appears to have [b][color=Red]broken his [u]shin[/u], [u]fibula[/u] and [u]ankle[/u][/color][/b]."

The Arsenal manager also called on for Martin Taylor to be banned for life from the game.[/quote]

[b]One of the ambulance technicians[/b] who was involved with the aftermath of the injury, also expressed his thoughts on the incident.

Keith Bringley said: "[color=Red]When they got the sock off, it was clear that he had an open fracture. His bone was sticking through the skin and his leg was in an 'L' shape[/color].

"It had looked like a straightforward break but he was in too much pain for an ordinary break.

"We administered a painkiller and they had to get a translator out on to the pitch because the lad doesn't speak English.

"We put a vacuum splint on it to immobilise him and gave him oxygen once he was on the stretcher.

"We knew it was serious because he went straight by ambulance to the Selly Oak trauma unit while normal football injuries go from here to Heartlands Hospital in Birmingham."

[b]Sky match director Grant Best[/b], who made the decision not to show a replay of the injury to viewers, said: "The reaction of Cesc Fabregas told me it was a bad injury so I quickly looked at the replay.

"That told me it was a very bad injury and we weren't going to show it. [b][color=Red]It looked like his foot was hanging from his leg.[/color][/b]

[color=Blue]"It is the most horrific injury I have seen in 13 years of working in football and it reminded me immediately of David Busst's injury."[/color]

David Busst was a Coventry City defender who suffered a compound fracture of the tibia and fibula in a collision with Manchester United defender Denis Irwin during a match at Old Trafford in April 1996.

The leg break was so bad that the bone pierced the skin and Busst's blood had to be cleared from the pitch.

He never played professionally again. United goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel, who witnessed the injury, required counselling afterwards.


Edgar_Davids 發表於 2008-2-24 09:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]心火[/i] at 24-2-2008 13:42:
佢 腳掌斷筋 [/quote]


Edgar_Davids 發表於 2008-2-24 09:59 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 24-2-2008 19:34:

係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]

[b][size=4]言下之意, 即係下個斷腳會到 [color=Red]尼高卡蘭積卡[/color] 或者 [color=Red]哥路卡[/color] ? ;)[/size]

[size=9][color=Red]夠唔夠膽同我賭一鋪 ? ;););)[/color][/size]

[size=4][color=Green]非常簡單, [color=Blue]side bet EF 分 500 分[/color],
以 [color=red][size=5]"歐洲國家杯 揭幕日"[/size][/color], 即 [color=Red][size=5]二零零八年六月七日[/size][/color] 為期限,[/color][/size]

如果 尼高卡蘭積卡 或者 哥路卡 [color=Red][size=5]是但一個[/size][/color] 於 歐洲國家杯 揭幕日 前 [color=Red][size=5]因傷退選[/size][/color],

[size=6][color=Blue]本人 Account (Edgar_Davids) 自扣 500 過畀 閣下.[/color][/size]


如果 尼高卡蘭積卡 同 哥路卡 [color=Red][size=5]兩個都 出席到[/size][/color] 歐洲國家杯,

[size=6][color=Blue]閣下 Account (bigfish) 被扣 500 毋需 過畀 我.[/color][/size]

[size=9][color=Red]閣下意下如何 ? ;););)[/color][/size]

[size=4][color=Blue]如何閣下 [color=Red]冇信心[/color] / [color=Red]唔夠膽[/color] 同我賭, 我亦冇辦法. :sleep::sleep:[/color][/size]

[color=green][b][size=5]算[/size][/b]. [/color]:kicking::kicking: :sleep::sleep::sleep:

[size=3][color=LimeGreen]Sports討論版 版主

Edgar_Davids 字[/color][/size][/b]

托迪仔T 發表於 2008-2-24 11:50 PM

阿 仙 奴 官 方 公 佈  施 華 將 養 傷 近 一 年

(15:20   24-2-2008)

阿 仙 奴 會 方 於 英 國 時 間 七 時 召 開 記 者 會 , 公 佈 射 手 伊 度 亞 度 達 施 華 的 傷 勢 , 指 施 華 已 於 下 午 進 行 近 五 小 時 的 手 術 , 進 展 亦 非 常 成 功 。 現 時 施 華 的 斷 腳 需 以 鋼 板 鑲 穩 , 但 由 於 傷 勢 非 常 嚴 重 , 據 醫 生 的 估 計 , 需 養 傷 近 十 個 月 , 甚 至 一 年 的 時 間 , 讓 斷 骨 自 動 癒 合 。 官 方 亦 宣 佈 , 施 華 將 會 提 早 收 咧 , 緣 盡 聯 賽 和 歐 聯 的 賽 事 。


hizaku 發表於 2008-2-25 12:03 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:

係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]

perfect example of a scum's saying

sky308 發表於 2008-2-25 12:17 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:

係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]


littlepig 發表於 2008-2-25 12:30 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:

係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]


王晶 發表於 2008-2-25 03:03 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:

係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]

英格蘭 年年出去踢大賽都比人踢出局
照你咁講  咁死得人多囉~

王晶 發表於 2008-2-25 03:08 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]托迪仔T[/i] at 2008-2-24 11:50 PM:
阿 仙 奴 官 方 公 佈  施 華 將 養 傷 近 一 年

(15:20   24-2-2008)

阿 仙 奴 會 方 於 英 國 時 間 七 時 召 開 記 者 會 , 公 佈 射 手 伊 度 亞 度 達 施 華 的 傷 勢 , 指 施 華 已 於 下 午 進 行 近 五 小 時 的 手 術 , 進 展 亦 非 常 成 功 。 現 時 施 華 的 斷 腳 需 以 鋼 板 鑲 穩 , 但 由 於 傷 勢 非 常 嚴 重 , 據 醫 生 的 估 計 , 需 養 傷 近 十 個 月 , 甚 至 一 年 的 時 間 , 讓 斷 骨 自 動 癒 合 。 官 方 亦 宣 佈 , 施 華 將 會 提 早 收 咧 , 緣 盡 聯 賽 和 歐 聯 的 賽 事 。[/quote]

比想像中好喇 一年仲踢得番波
睇果張想幾恐怖 好似甩左咁 再睇埋D其他隊友個樣
我仲諗住佢 從此就要掛鞋  不過我估佢以後都幾難回復以往既水平
呢獲咁金 一定有陰影 實就住就住咁踢

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