yeung hiu he 發表於 2008-2-25 09:39 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar_Davids[/i] at 2008-2-24 09:59 PM:
[b][size=4]言下之意, 即係下... [/quote]
副版主,我支持你, 有d 人不經大腦成日覺得英格蘭係比"人"踢出局,
呢d 人同英格蘭一樣不思進取, 只懂埋怨人, 無自己反省下是否自己都有問題,
今次達施華重創如果覺得是克羅地亞踢英格蘭出局的惡果, 我估果條友
講番達施華件事, 條友都唔係路, 開左波兩分鐘, 人地又唔係射波, 剛剛控波
就比人剷落去, 真係正一契弟來架, 頂佢個肺搞到廠仔失去一個射手!
果條友應該終身監禁, 以後不准落場踢波, 完全污辱哂足球精神, 污辱左神聖的
Hayamimocomichi 發表於 2008-2-25 10:29 AM
大魚哥都無咩惻隱之心,講得出呢番話都係枉為人. 你試下咁傷法,我一定會開香檳興祝你收皮.
amigofans 發表於 2008-2-25 12:33 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:
係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]
:sleep::sleep::sleep: 早d訓啦你!
[[i] Last edited by amigofans on 2008-2-25 at 12:34 PM [/i]]
iknow 發表於 2008-2-25 01:23 PM
bunce2806 發表於 2008-2-25 01:35 PM
Our friend must have lost really big bucks betting that England would make Euro 2008......
lungchimo 發表於 2008-2-25 04:03 PM
God bless him, get well soon
brightlee 發表於 2008-2-25 04:21 PM
Be honest, from referee point of views, there'd should be straight Red and heavy banned for M Taylor... but on the other hand, do I think M Taylor means to have this kinds of tackle? I don't think so, because what I saw the photos, like the announcements from Birmingham and M Taylor, it'd be really bad luck....
think deeply, it'd be the first touch for Da Silva and M Taylor. Also if you watched the game, there'd be some ceremony to 1 of the favour players in Birmingham City passed away on that day. So I never feel M Taylor got intention to do that tackle. I.e. you could see why both teams got a shocked and they didn't fight each others... (do you get what I mean?) and Arsenal players were really generous to kick the ball out of bounds to let Birmingham City took their substitution after M Taylor got sent off.
On the other hand, I would agree what Arsene Wenger told to media after the game, it'd be the right time to review all the bad tackles in Premier League, I saw so many cases even referees didn't give a card to player with some dangerous tackles....
bunce2806 發表於 2008-2-25 06:39 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2008-2-25 04:21 PM:
Be honest, from referee point of vi... [/quote]
Agree completely. It's a bit like the "elbow strikes" in the past when 2 players jump up to head the ball. It may not be delliberate, but also used to cause such bad injuries that most referees are now pretty alert to this and act quickly to stamp it out. Let's see it also happen for late and clumsy tackles.
Hope Eduardo comes back fitter and stronger than before. He's a strong character and a talented player, and deserves a successful career (see BBC report [url][/url]
呀傑 發表於 2008-2-25 07:40 PM
[[i] Last edited by brightlee on 2008-2-25 at 09:50 PM [/i]]
michelle_tom 發表於 2008-2-25 07:44 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:
係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]
你講野真係好冇品 :mad:
唔夠想像你竟然可以咁冷血! :noway:
Eduardo! Support you"
kubrick 發表於 2008-2-25 08:27 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:
係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]
yungting0623 發表於 2008-2-25 08:50 PM
iknow 發表於 2008-2-25 09:37 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:34 PM:
係人都會掛靴架 la, 睇下早定遲o者
btw 伊度亞度有冇份踢英格蘭出局? 如果係可能冥冥中有主宰
當年安晶煥連意大利都返唔到添 ah [/quote]
足球比賽有輸有贏, 英格蘭出局係自己踢得差...同埋人地踢得好...
人地入你波, 就要人地斷腳, 你變態ga??
掛靴係有分happy ending同埋黯然退休...
係人都會退休, 但唔會個個都希望衰收尾, 係因為嚴重傷患而退出...
zxc3201163 發表於 2008-2-26 12:05 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]runrun[/i] at 2008-2-24 07:47 PM:
只可以用"賤格" "冷血" "禽獸"黎形容你! [/quote]
Raul 發表於 2008-2-26 12:53 AM
Martin Taylor should be banned for life or as long as da Silva returns
tovic 發表於 2008-2-26 01:10 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2008-2-25 04:21 PM:
Be honest, from referee point of vi... [/quote]
i agreed to u.
I watched the live game, i do think M Taylor not intentionally went for De Silva foot, of course i agreed he is too serious in his first tackle attempt (since ppl need time to get involved in the game and not ready for such tackle), it is too early la. .....just my guess, if this tackle happened say around 50 or 60 mins during the game, may be De Silva already ready for hard tackle mentally, he may know when to jump to avoid such tackle....
Anyway, what we are saying now just wild guess and most important is De Silva to get well soon, this is important
(heard from internet news that M Taylor went hospital to see him and De Silva forgave him already).
[[i] Last edited by tovic on 2008-2-26 at 01:11 AM [/i]]
freeze0912 發表於 2008-2-26 10:11 AM
so poor....
brightlee 發表於 2008-2-26 11:10 AM
I did researching during lunch break about career stats of Martin Taylor.
One thing I feel really surprised is: He got 2 red cards in his career, the first red card that he received it, which is about 8 or 9 years ago. He also got less than 10 yellow cards in his career! In this case, it’d be proved that the words from Steve Bruce and Alex McLeish should be right, Martin Taylor is not that ‘bad’ person as you may think. It maybe really unfortunately case. If you could be Martin Taylor, you may feel badly after this incident.
[[i] Last edited by brightlee on 2008-2-26 at 01:14 PM [/i]]
amigofans 發表於 2008-2-26 12:17 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar_Davids[/i] at 2008-2-24 09:59 PM:
[b][size=4]言下之意, 即係下... [/quote]
[b]來來去去三覆被, 曼聯, 英格蘭, 碧咸, 邪惡軸心...
佢玩左咁耐佢都唔厭, 全因為你地肯同佢癲...[/b]
[b][color=Blue][size=4]我作為一個曼聯, 英格蘭, 碧咸既fans,
[size=5][color=Red]好心認真d諗下佢咩目的, 咪同佢癲啦唔該你地[/color][/size]...[/size][/color][/b]:giveup::giveup::giveup:
最好當佢透明, 玩得耐自己都無癮啦...
hamsubboy 發表於 2008-2-26 02:14 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2008-2-26 12:17 PM:
好心就咪咁易比人觸動神經啦....... [/quote]
我得閒先上呢個FORUM, 真係唔知FISH咩目的??
願聞其詳. 請賜教.