[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6V5KZq0o-E[/url]睇完你就知:dev: 係真唔係呀 = = o曬咀=口='' ok wo-口- 可以咩都唔知$P6k#Yr!lr)v
我發覺自己都幾聰明 呢d係常識黎o者 , 冇接觸過唔識唔代表蠢吧..."g4X1p*i9Ng]@X l
有d 答案好似玩野咁既... ok first of all, this is a tv show and not news.
second, this is not a US show, because well this isn't as bad as what i've seen in real life. d受訪者係咪請返黎玩野ga??
冇理由低能成咁哇??? 如果頭腦係正常因為大部份都識答,估唔到三角形居然話有四條邊 [quote]Originally posted by [i]ckone.[/i] at 2008-4-12 10:47 PM:
如果頭腦係正常因為大部份都識答,估唔到三角形居然話有四條邊 [/quote]
人地美國三角形唔係叫"三角形"]h-hKg,h K
冇題及有幾多條邊:D 真係幾得意喎 美國人最出名係咩?
德州電鋸狂 :D [quote]Originally posted by [i]mhkk[/i] at 2008-4-14 11:58 AM:4_(]U_z(k
美國人最出名係咩? ~)E/r0BIb*Z6c k^
德州電鋸狂 :D [/quote] KdX4g8Lu({
j[$H @a%F {,h;~aNg
真係幾得意喎 係咪真架!?+q-KI)P{[
個訪問應該剩係show哂答錯哂既o者+E9\2]O_K ~+A \