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undergrounder 發表於 2005-1-6 10:31 PM

救命呀..咁多位識電腦既大佬大姐..pls help~!!

我女友部電腦short 咗..咁佢攞咗去修理..
咁佢攞去修理之前呢就back up咗 d file,data n photo係個同事度啦
咁修理個時唔知度攪咗d mug.. 要攪度format 咗部機喎..
咁好啦..都有back up 嗎 ..唔緊要啦
死啦..入面有好多文件同資料..同好多有紀念價值既photo 係度架 -__-""
唔該大家..係唔係有d系統還完可以揾番之前format 咗既file ga ????
仲有無其他方法可以揾番d file 同 photo ..我意思係可唔可以o係佢同事部computer度揾番呢??
hope some one can help...please

thank you very much

seafoodseafood 發表於 2005-1-7 12:31 AM


undergrounder 發表於 2005-1-7 01:37 AM


個情況應該係我女友delete咗 d 野
我女友曾經back up過d野係佢同事度..


blblblbl 發表於 2005-1-7 11:55 PM

you can hire some "data recovery" experts to retrieve the data, but it's gonna cost ya.

superjackyy 發表於 2005-1-8 10:26 AM

deep shit man :lol:
yeah do as blblblbl said

blblblbl 發表於 2005-1-8 10:39 AM

but make sure you stop using both computers...

Also... i think the cost exponentially increases as the degree of "damage".

For example, I had a quotation for data recovery from a physically damaged harddrive. That's around CDN $200-300. Hopefully it's cheaper in hong kong.

d.k 發表於 2005-1-9 03:03 AM


new_hp 發表於 2005-1-24 01:55 AM

用EASY recovery professioanl la 6.0


不過唔好太旨要有番100% D圖

armageddon 發表於 2005-1-24 03:51 AM

Might be too late~

Depends on the file system you use, FAT32 for example, marks where to find the information (data) on the harddrive called the File Allocation Table (FAT).  Its much easier to recover the data if that guys just simply erase your HD without puting back anything. Your chance of getting back your data is... well.. slim... if he already installed another OS on top of it.  Getting your data back is much easier than getting back your FAT, once your table is lost it makes no difference even if you get back 100% of your data, because you won't be able to tell the difference between the files you recovered.

If you used NTFS file system, its a totally different story.

大家樂1234 發表於 2005-1-26 09:24 PM


king_king 發表於 2005-1-26 11:34 PM

powerquest lost & found

ken@king 發表於 2005-3-14 10:21 PM


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