chong2002 發表於 2008-4-13 02:49 AM
諗住轉防毒:fight::fight::fight::fight: 邊個好d?^^"
[[i] Last edited by chong2002 on 2008-4-13 at 02:51 AM [/i]]
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-13 02:49 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-13 02:48 AM:
08年果個係俾firefox3 o架~ [/quote]
firefox 唔係最新得2ja咩依家:eek:
kalos 發表於 2008-4-13 02:54 AM
I can't see the bottom one coz I dun have account ar~ But the 1st one is Kis 7.0 try to find 8.0 if you can, otherwise, 7.0 is still alright ga~
Sorry ar, I type Chinese so slow, that's why I typed in ENG
kalos 發表於 2008-4-13 02:57 AM
Sorry ar, my fd, have to sleep coz my gf forcing me now, talk to you torrow nite and I'll try to find the KIS 8.0 for you, please come again tmr nite la~
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-13 02:58 AM
noproblem , typed eng is ok for me..
第二條link 係AntiVir +全球第一防火牆Comodo Firewall...
用kis + safe360 用唔用有衝突?
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-13 03:02 AM
1. Kaspersky 係好佔系統資源ge軟件...好多人裝左都拖慢部機o
2. 其實所有防毒軟件ge防護都差不多 ; Kaspersky ge 防護係[over setting],所以好似好勁...但誤報情況亦非常多o
Kaspersky本身軟件bugs亦多....防毒軟件黎講....佢係最多麻煩嘢 ! (佢係大陸非常 hot....)
3. 可以參考le兩度,睇下邊d防毒啱你自己:
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-13 03:10 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-13 02:57 AM:
Sorry ar, my fd, have to sleep coz my gf forcing me now, talk to you torrow nite and I'll try to find the KIS 8.0 for you, please come again tmr nite la~ [/quote]
ok~ goodnight my fd :kiss:
cu tml~~
kalos 發表於 2008-4-13 08:19 PM
喂喂~ 我諗過喇, 我覺得antivir + Comodo Firewall 會好d~ 網上好多人都係咁用~ 一來已經好安全, 二來又唔會lag, 好過 Kaspersky, 多誤報又多bugs, 唔會咁多麻煩嘢吖嘛~ 如果你唔係覺得煩, 你都唔會諗住轉antivirus啦, 係咪? :agree:
我個人覺得用Kaspersky仲慢過avast, 所以我都無用, 用嗰時部機又好似怪怪哋咁... :haha:
所以我諗都係antivir + Comodo Firewall好喇~ :cheers:
不過如果你真係想要用Kaspersky, 我可以幫你搵8.0, 佢唔會同safe360有衝突, 佢哋friend 底嘛~ 你係safe360個site到都有 Kaspersky down o架, 好似係有唔知1年定半年licence添o架~ :secret:
by the way, 你安o左 ie tab 未呀? 安o左之後上嚟再按個 ie tab 個icon 仔先睇到片o架~ :cheers:
[[i] Last edited by kalos on 2008-4-13 at 10:29 PM [/i]]
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-14 01:32 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-13 08:19 PM:
喂喂~ 我諗過喇, 我覺得antivir + Com... [/quote]
用Comodo Firewal 既話使唔使DEL 返個SAFE 360 果D?
[[i] Last edited by chong2002 on 2008-4-14 at 02:03 AM [/i]]
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-14 02:36 AM
1. Kaspersky version beta - 99.23%
2. Kaspersky version - 99.13%
3. Active Virus Shield by AOL version - 99.13%
4. ZoneAlarm with KAV Antivirus version 7.0.337.000 - 99.13%
5. F-Secure 2007 version 7.01.128 - 98.56%
6. BitDefender Professional version 10 - 97.70%
7. BullGuard version - 96.59%
8. Ashampoo version 1.30 - 95.80%
[color=Red]9. AntiVir version Classic - 95.08%[/color]
10. eScan version 8.0.671.1 - 94.43%
11. Nod32 version 2.70.32 - 94.00%
12. CyberScrub version 1.0 - 93.27%
13. Avast Professional version 4.7.986 - 92.82%
14. AVG Anti-Malware version 7.5.465 - 92.14%
15. F-Prot version - 91.35%
16. McAfee Enterprise version 8.5.0i+AntiSpyware module - 90.65%
17. Panda 2007 version 2.01.00 - 90.06%
18. Norman version 5.90.37 - 88.47%
19. ArcaVir 2007 - 88.24%
AntiVir既唔好處就係update 速度好慢...:giveup:
1kb /s :noway:
[[i] Last edited by chong2002 on 2008-4-14 at 02:42 AM [/i]]
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-14 03:55 AM
kalos兄,我個firefox 聽唔到xanga d bgsound..但ie 就無問題..點樣可以係firefox 聽到bgsound?
我個firefox 默設左quicktime plusin 7.1.6 ,,係咪應該要轉第個?但我又轉唔到...=.="真係蠢
kalos 發表於 2008-4-14 07:19 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]chong2002[/i] at 2008-4-14 03:32:
用... [/quote]
1/You can keep safe360 if u go to Mainland's website often. :agree:
2/What else do u have ar? And what do u wanna delete? Coz I don't know what else do you install in this senario. :confused:
3/The ranking is not that important though, as long as it won't crash with your PC ma~ :D
4/The update was not slow when I have before, but maybe their service have a bit problem gra... Try it for few days and see what happens lor... :haha:
5/ I'll check the sound plugin for you later, coz I have to go to work now... That's why I slept early last nite... (Australia is 3 hours faster than HK) :hitwall:
Talk to you tonight my fd~
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-14 12:36 PM
1&2)佢話any third party personal firewall installed,我都係裝左你俾我果d,,,safe360,,ad-aware2007,,
3)haha~~thats right,so i have already installed the antivir~~yo
4)the problem solved ^^"
5)ok thanks~~~快3個鍾@@平時hk一兩點你重回我個post,,咁你咪3,4點都未訓係果邊@o@夜鬼:dev:
kalos 發表於 2008-4-14 05:17 PM
咁你而家安o左 antivir + commondo, 都ok o架喇~ 至於safe360 同 lavasoft personnel (ad-aware2007) 就up to u 喇~ 我自己就鍾意安o左先, 以備不時之需, 你可以keep住個execute file, 要用先install又得, 睇你自己鍾意; 不過你安o左 reg optimiser 會安全d.
又, 我而家幫你睇吓個xanga d 嘢先, 因為呢2個星期放break要返工, 所以無得做夜鬼... >_<!!!
kalos 發表於 2008-4-14 05:29 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]chong2002[/i] at 2008-4-14 05:55:
kalos兄,我個firefox 聽唔到xanga d b... [/quote]
因為我無用xanga, 所以我唔知xanga d嘢係點:haha:
睇吓下面呢度幫唔幫到你, 唔得就用ie tab試吓啦:cheers:
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-14 09:52 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-14 05:17 PM:
咁你而家安o左 antivir + commondo, ... [/quote]
[[i] Last edited by chong2002 on 2008-4-14 at 09:59 PM [/i]]
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-14 09:54 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-14 05:29 PM:
因為我無用xanga, 所以我唔知xang... [/quote]
我覺得係因為佢用左QUICKTIME 黎播所以唔得
chong2002 發表於 2008-4-14 09:58 PM
但我有QUICKTIME都播唔到 =.=
some said "I actually experience the same problem as you before. It cannot be fix because some website they use Microsoft FrontPage to make and so only IE can play the music on that website. When this happen, I will just use IE for this website and other website with firefox. "
[[i] Last edited by chong2002 on 2008-4-14 at 10:51 PM [/i]]
kalos 發表於 2008-4-15 12:18 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]chong2002[/i] at 2008-4-14 23:58:
[url] [/quote]
咁用ie tab 得唔得先? 唔得就真係好慘...
我返工唔驚老細, 只驚d client. 因為我係做剪頭髮, 剪錯o左就俾人砍都有份...:haha:
xanga o個度, 我聽日返工再上網幫你睇啦~ :cheers:
[[i] Last edited by kalos on 2008-4-15 at 02:28 AM [/i]]
kalos 發表於 2008-4-15 07:37 AM
Read this,
BGSOUND is an Internet Explorer-only, non-standard tag. So, you can't use <BGSOUND="XXXXX"> lor~
In the article, it shows another way to fix this problem, please read~