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chong2002 發表於 2008-4-10 12:32 AM


我用avast! 防毒

file name: SVC: Shared?
type:Rootkit: hidden process

file name: SVC: Shared?qSeu
type:Rootkit: hidden process

我del 極都del 唔到...每次開機佢都彈出黎話我中毒..

chong2002 發表於 2008-4-10 12:53 AM

我上yahoo search 話rookit 係有毒同有危險..

eric911 發表於 2008-4-10 01:14 AM


kalos 發表於 2008-4-10 01:16 AM

Avg rootkit tool

[url]http://free.grisoft.com/doc/5390/us/frt/0?prd=arw[/url] or


Download, install, run scan and it will fix it for you automatically. And it's free~

kalos 發表於 2008-4-10 01:17 AM

If you have any problem, you can ask again, if you want, I can type in Chinese to help you~ Goodluck~

Raul 發表於 2008-4-10 04:20 AM

If rootkit you can use AVG rootkit to scan it

Or you may try to clean it manually by using HijackThis

chong2002 發表於 2008-4-10 07:43 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]eric911[/i] at 2008-4-10 01:14 AM:
這裡愈來愈人丁單簿了,是感覺得到的,我不太懂電腦,所以幫不到你,對不起﹗希望efun搞番好啲啦﹗:cry::cry::cry: [/quote]

chong2002 發表於 2008-4-10 07:44 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-10 01:17 AM:
If you have any problem, you can ask again, if you want, I can type in Chinese to help you~ Goodluck~ [/quote]
but after i scan , there is none found out....:cry::cry:
what should i do now?

chong2002 發表於 2008-4-10 07:45 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Raul[/i] at 2008-4-10 04:20 AM:
If rootkit you can use AVG rootkit to scan it

Or you may try to clean it manually by using HijackThis [/quote]
i have HijackThis, would you mind telling me how to use it?

kalos 發表於 2008-4-10 11:25 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]chong2002[/i] at 2008-4-10 21:44:

but after i scan , there is none found out....:cry::cry:
what should i do now? [/quote]

可唔可以講清楚d, avast有無俾file個path 或 個file name 你? 因為你上面個唔係virus file name... 你再講清楚d, 睇下點幫你, 因為我o聽日考試, o聽晚再幫你check:cheers:

chong2002 發表於 2008-4-10 11:38 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-10 11:25 PM:

可唔可以講清楚d, avast有無俾fil... [/quote]
OH...同是ALEVEL 同路人..加油聽日!!小弟今日已經慘死了

AVAST 俾既資料我已經係第一樓度打左...佢係係我開機既時候彈出話我知
無任何既LINK,FILE NAME...我都唔知點解無啦啦中毒,訓完就有啦==

我用左你介紹俾我個Avg rootkit tool
SCAN 完佢話無發現...=.=

[[i] Last edited by chong2002 on 2008-4-10 at 11:40 PM [/i]]

kalos 發表於 2008-4-11 12:27 AM

Just see if they work for you, you can also try scan online with Trend Micro, it's very good as lots of ppl recommended.

Link: [url]http://housecall.trendmicro.com/au/[/url]

Goodluck, Bro

kalos 發表於 2008-4-11 12:28 AM

Try 360safe, it can kills the virus n pluggin stuff from chinese/mainland site.

Instruction of 360safe:

記住high-light o左 個post先睇到hidden o野o架~

kalos 發表於 2008-4-11 12:32 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-11 02:28:
Try 360safe, it can kills the virus... [/quote]

After all, if you can't fix that, dl the attachment and click 按我注冊.reg and run Regopt, it should be alright:cheers:

Goodluck for your exam~ :cheers:

[[i] Last edited by kalos on 2008-4-11 at 02:36 AM [/i]]

chong2002 發表於 2008-4-11 01:20 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-11 12:28 AM:
Try 360safe, it can kills the virus... [/quote]

hubingandtvb 發表於 2008-4-11 01:38 AM

360safe現在屬於事前防火墻的一種 要開實時監控 樓主已經中了 效果不大 但可試一下
avast! 有時不準確 容易誤報
可嘗試用卡巴斯基 KIS8.0開啟反rootkit功能之後SCAN(8.0已經RC2 非常接近Final 穩定性應該沒問題,找不到中文or漢化可用官方英文版)
Eset NOD32 ESS 3.0套裝也有翻Rootkit功能
360safe還是需要 因為Rootkit之後 可能會有ARP連續攻擊 后台下木馬很麻煩 不可預知性也高

kalos 發表於 2008-4-11 03:02 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]hubingandtvb[/i] at 2008-4-11 03:38:
360safe現在屬於事前防火墻的一種 要... [/quote]

KIS8.0 :cheers:
Change filter-031 to . exe

請先將"Options"-->"Enable Self-Defense"的選項勾掉,否則無法進行中文化。
後運行 繁體中文化檔. exe
Test Key:
在壓縮包 KIS_8_0_0_152_Beta_Qo0.rar 的 Activation Key.txt 內
Activation Key:
壓縮包 KIS_8_0_0_152_Beta_Qo0.rar 的 Kis8_2008-02-21_0285D6A6.KEY

[[i] Last edited by kalos on 2008-4-11 at 05:05 AM [/i]]

chong2002 發表於 2008-4-11 03:05 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2008-4-11 03:02 AM:

KIS8.0 :cheers:
[color=White]h... [/quote]
依個係internal security
真係唔該晒咁多位解答我d 低b問題...

kalos 發表於 2008-4-11 03:09 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]chong2002[/i] at 2008-4-11 05:05:

依個係internal security
真係唔該晒咁多位解答我d 低b問題... [/quote]

。KIS 8.0 的特性如下:


So, if you use this, you don't need any other anti virus. But you may need anti-adware lor~:cheers:

Personally, I have avast! home (same with you) and safe360 plus lavasoft personel anti-ad-ware:


[[i] Last edited by kalos on 2008-4-11 at 05:11 AM [/i]]

chong2002 發表於 2008-4-11 03:14 AM

我聽上網d人講Kaspersky 都幾食ram...
lavasoft personel anti-ad-ware is freeware?

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