Problem about SATA Card installation
I put the new PCI - SATA card in the slot and connect the SATA HDD, turn on the computer.Can get into the card's BIOS and find the HDD. I only got one HDD, therefor use non-raid, re-boot it. Then the problem come out, the computer re-boot and re-boot again. I disconnect the SATA HDD but the card leave in the slot, then it can go in the Window. Hardware was found, BUT only install the RAID driver for it NOT the LINK (non-raid) driver (Yellow "!"). Please, any brother know how to install the card. (OR the card was damaged) One more thing, the chipset of SATA was Silicon Image SiI 3112 我先估下你第一個問題 (不斷自動 reboot), 你會唔會你隻 sata hdd 內是一個 bootable WINDOWS ?? 而你又把 boot priority set to scsi boot first (因 sata hdd 內的 controller chip 唔 match, 一出 error then windows automatic reboot again) repeat and repeat this process
第二個問題睇唔明, 參透唔到. 望見諒! I solve it, the hard disk set to 1.5G, then all the problem was solved. Thank you