要駁你地, 因為就咁就認為摩連奴...
睇番當年杜格利殊一走, (sorry我已經唔記得[color=Red]邊個接班[/color]) 利物浦也是盛世..
但立即散檔, 但格蘭今日可以鬥到最後一刻, 真係如此垃圾?
Kenny Dalglish resigned as Liverpool manager in 1991...and Graeme Souness was appointted as LFC manager in 1991~~
Souness won nth for Liverpool except a FA Cup in 1991~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]arthur8088[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:28 AM:
Kenny Dalglish resigned as Liverpool manager in 1991...and Graeme Souness was appointted as LFC manager in 1991~~
Souness won nth for Liverpool except a FA Cup in 1991~~ [/quote]
以前紐記果個? Serious...Avram Grant is better than a mediocre manager.....he brought Chelsea from 10 points deficit from behind and level to man Utd before last week... Chelsea did not lose a single league match in 2008~they are even better than man Utd in 2008~
it's definitely not a fluke~~
but his tactics changing, formation changing, football knowledge and substituting players on and off the pitch skills are like HKG manager's level~~~like crap!!!!Clarke and ten Cate are definitely better than him~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]arthur8088[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:28 AM:
Kenny Dalglish resigned as Liverpool manager in 1991...and Graeme Souness was appointted as LFC manager in 1991~~
Souness won nth for Liverpool except a FA Cup in 1991~~ [/quote]
咪 lor, 仲未計接古比士利班既杜爾, 接大sam班既森美李爾...
[color=Blue][b]其實仲有一點, 摩連奴fans係好茅遁既,[/b]
話而家格蘭打番黎既成績係靠d球員自己好質素, 咁即係其實有無摩連奴帶都ok啦,
因為最緊要係 d 明星球員, 即係俄國佬炒得佢好o岩...
愈係話格蘭無料到係垃圾, 即係話搵 d 垃圾帶車仔都ok, 至少只係輸在得失球之上..
歐聯仲入到final, 真係件垃圾都叻過摩連奴...[/color] [quote]Originally posted by [i]迷途小羔羊[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:34 AM:
以前紐記果個? [/quote]
yes, 外形似足美國影星湯力沙 [quote]Originally posted by [i]迷途小羔羊[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:34:
以前紐記果個? [/quote]
[img]http://timesonline.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/06/28/graeme_souness_then_and_now.jpg[/img] [quote]Originally posted by [i]arthur8088[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:37 AM:
Serious...Avram Grant is better tha... [/quote]
但佢面對一班完全睇唔起佢既球星, 都係一大難度...
講過上場泰利當正自己係領隊, 要自己問過卡華路係咪真係唔得, 先肯放佢走人,
單係佢呢下就表現出佢覺得格蘭係錯既... [quote]Originally posted by [i]arthur8088[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:40 AM:
[img]http://timesonline.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/06/28/graeme_souness_then_and_now.jpg[/img] [/quote]
tom_selleck 湯沙力 [quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:41:
講過上場泰利當正自己係領隊, 要自己問過卡華路係咪真係唔得, 先肯放佢走人,
單係佢呢下就表現出佢覺得格蘭係錯既... [/quote]
true...when Grant started to take over Mourinho's job, his first problem to face was changing room problem...Terry, Lampard, Drogba and even Ballack were in doubtful about Grant's ability....
really??i didnt watch last chelsea match...Terry was thinking he's the king~~haha...it shows Grant is not classy enough...he's better go back to the office and work as a Football director~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:44:
tom_selleck 湯沙力 [/quote]
haha...one more~~~
BORAT~~ 解釋下波圖點解win到歐聯,慘啦,原來垃圾先可以win到歐聯,睇黎格蘭win硬 [quote]Originally posted by [i]arthur8088[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:51 AM:
true...when Grant started to ta... [/quote]
係上場對紐卡素果時, 卡華路再次背傷, 佢本人同格蘭都叫換人,
旁証已經舉左牌, 卡華路行緊出中場之際, 泰利攔住佢問佢得唔得...
我估泰利係想隊波好, 果時贏緊1比0, 佢唔想少左最佳拍檔係可以理解,
但佢當格蘭係蛋散, 係不自覺中流露左出黎... [quote]Originally posted by [i]leonki[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:54 AM:
解釋下波圖點解win到歐聯,慘啦,原來垃圾先可以win到歐聯,睇黎格蘭win硬 [/quote]
哦, 你最好睇清楚我個post講咩再黎串我, 比較好d...:dev: [quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2008-5-12 02:00:
係上場對紐卡素果時, 卡華路再次... [/quote]
thnx thnx~~clear like crystal~~:good::good: 轉貼法比仔變身火人噴火射門
[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uVl5Q0VQWY[/url] [quote]Originally posted by [i]arthur8088[/i] at 2008-5-12 01:52 AM:
haha...one more~~~
BORAT~~ [/quote]