**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** "6+5"政策實行的話, 將會係...強隊高價收購英國球員/球星 :giveup:
弱隊繼續培訓青年軍 :haha: 每隊都會用晒所有金錢去買果五個星級外援lor~ 的確太少本土球員真係好唔似樣
我個人覺得可能會有反後果...令到質素下降 白老爺條橋乜唔係畀 EU ban 左咩??? :eek::eek::eek:
EU 話因為足球係工業, 所以外援唔能夠被限制,
[From <當何輝遇上丁偉傑>] [quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar_Davids[/i] at 2008-5-14 07:40 AM:
白老爺條橋乜唔係畀 EU ban 左咩??... [/quote]
當年咁英國足球雜誌, 100個足球瘋子當中, 白禮達係榜上有名...
著原子褲既女子足球, 加大龍門, 分4節比賽, 佢既創意係令人折服...
世界冠軍球會杯, 洲際杯都好偉大, 直接減低世界杯既可觀性之餘,
亦令一班本來已經踢到殘既球星, 更加甩皮甩骨地去踢世杯...
之所以南韓可以入4強, 希臘又可以贏歐國杯, 偉大! 偉大! :cheers: [quote]Originally posted by [i]0000002[/i] at 2008-5-14 12:06 AM:
利物浦主帥賓尼迪斯這次看來是要鐵了心引進維拿隊長加雷斯-巴里了,賓尼迪斯曾說過利物浦之所以在聯賽冠軍的爭奪中處于下風,很大一方面原因是紅軍只有三名超級球星:謝拉特、托利斯和[color=Red][b]加歷查[/b][/color],而曼聯、車路士在這方面的人數顯然要多很多。 [/quote]
加歷查都係超級球星?? 巴里又當係超級球星??
利物浦陣內, 基本上除左謝拉特、托利斯、沙比艾朗素、高治同馬斯查蘭奴之外,
[b]買巴里啦, 繼續浪費利物浦既光陰吧!![/b] :cheers: **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 14-5-2008 13:46:
當年咁英國足球雜誌, 100個足球瘋... [/quote]
[b]You've misunderstood me. :haha::haha:[/b]
I'm not saying who is mad or not. :giveup:
What I'm puzzling is the [b][color=Red]European Union has claimed that his idea is "unworkable"...[/color][/b]
Since the players of EU nations should have the rights to move freely...
And so his idea should not be put into action.
Then why this news existing ???? :confused::confused:
Or what I've heard about EU's reply is false ???? :confused::confused::confused: [quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 14-5-2008 13:53:
加歷查都係超級球星?? 巴里又當係... [/quote]
I think you've underestimated several Reds players...:o:o
1. Daniel Agger
2. Martin Skrtel
3. Marco Aurelio
I don't think they can't be prime players in Big 4....:giveup::giveup:
Actually G. Barry isn't a bad option...
Most of all he is British, to preserve the native players,
signing Barry is better than signing outsiders such as VDV or Spanish....
[[i] Last edited by Edgar_Davids on 2008-5-14 at 02:55 PM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar_Davids[/i] at 2008-5-14 02:43 PM:
[b]You've misunderstood me. :ha... [/quote]
我講我既感受o者, not misunderstand u...
佢上任後, 我幾乎未聽過佢講一句正常既野...:giveup: [quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar_Davids[/i] at 2008-5-14 02:48 PM:
I think you've underestimated s... [/quote]
雖然係主觀d, 但離客觀都不遠矣,
艾加, Skrtel, 艾奧里奧, 除左去到阿仙奴會有相確,
佢地去曼聯or車仔士, 都一定爭唔贏正選...
至於巴里, 如我一名利物浦友好所講,
根本唔明賓尼迪斯玩黎玩去個防中做d咩, 施素高換上馬斯查蘭奴,
而家係沙比艾朗素換上巴里, 真係有咩分別?
再加上巴里既年齡, 進步空間既有限, 同之前所效力既球會規模,
巴里踢國家隊只係曇花一現, 皆因級數問題...
利物浦係上年先知自己衰咩, 終於肯用2000萬去買torres呢種球員,
第一年"好彩"地, torres光芒四射, 正常發揮...
唔講車仔, 曼聯由簡東拿開始已經識買最"頂級"既球員,
比拿美, 高治, 芬倫, 迪奧夫, 班拿約, 今年係巴里...
繼續用d二三線去挑戰車路士, 曼聯同阿仙奴啦...
[[i] Last edited by amigofans on 2008-5-14 at 04:26 PM [/i]] 如果打比仲係英超,,佢會點整呢.. [quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 14-5-2008 16:08:
我講我既感受o者, not misunderstand u...
佢上任後, 我幾乎未聽過佢講一句正常既野...:giveup: [/quote]
But why no one is going to overthrow him ? :confused: 6+5 政策一定行唔通 如果改制只會另英超冇咁刺激 下下用本土d 球員 咪炒貴曬d英超本土垃圾 小小年紀入一兩球好波就賣到2千萬磅 根本就唔值咁貴 最佳例子咪有 戴倫賓特 戴維斯 菲臘斯 e d 土炮lo 最後 e d貴價 前鋒下場大家有眼睇 [quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 14-5-2008 16:24:
雖然係主觀d, 但離客觀都不遠矣,
艾加, Skrtel, 艾奧里奧, 除左去到阿仙奴會有相確,
佢地去曼聯or車仔士, 都一定爭唔贏正選...
至於巴里, 如我一名利物浦友好所講,
根本唔明賓尼迪斯玩黎玩去個防中做d咩, 施素高換上馬斯查蘭奴,
而家係沙比艾朗素換上巴里, 真係有咩分別?
再加上巴里既年齡, 進步空間既有限, 同之前所效力既球會規模,
巴里踢國家隊只係曇花一現, 皆因級數問題...
利物浦係上年先知自己衰咩, 終於肯用2000萬去買torres呢種球員,
第一年"好彩"地, torres光芒四射, 正常發揮...
唔講車仔, 曼聯由簡東拿開始已經識買最"頂級"既球員,
比拿美, 高治, 芬倫, 迪奧夫, 班拿約, 今年係巴里...
繼續用d二三線去挑戰車路士, 曼聯同阿仙奴啦...
全隊 "頂級" 你估話咁易咩...:haha::haha:
MU 夠有 Brown, Evra, Carrick, Saha, O'shea, Fletcher, Park, Silvestre...
CHE 夠有 PF, Ivanovic, Sidwell, Mikel, Belletti, Bridge, Ben-Haim, SWP, Kalou, Pizarro...
ARS 夠有 Clichy, Eboue, Song, Djourou, Senderos, Hleb, Diaby, Bendtner...
點解係都要針對 Liverpool ??? :giveup::giveup::giveup:
Yes, you're rite, Xabi ~ Barry, and I don't really think that changing is correct...
But Barry isn't that bad, at least I'll think that he is the bottom of 一線...
Juz like Lescott from Everton, Martins from Magpies, Valencia from Wigan,
I don't think that they are 二三線, or even worthless...
Back to the three players,
Agger is still young, if he once recovered and played again,
I don't think he'd have a big difference between him and Vidic,Alex, etc.
Strkel isn't that poor either, he still need time to get use to the new environment...
You'll see not long later...
Aurelio has a good passing and shooting skills, which Evra and Cole hasn't.
What he is lacking for is only body strength and concentration...