所有版主請進 , 會員cheery玩人身攻擊...
**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]jen01[/i] at 2008-5-28 05:39 PM:BOYDWAN版主,我不知你是不是政版的大佬... [/quote] I] X }A B%Y:G
咦?乜BOYDWAN係政版大佬咩?:lol:$s2Ht,Do9f ]
我唔信~:lol: 呢條友仔懶到死又無腦,無可能係大佬輩~:dev:
唔該搵個版主搬番呢個post 去政版,我係小嘍囉啫~:P **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]jen01[/i] at 2008-5-28 05:50 PM:
我係特登放吹水區比其他會員睇嘅:good: [/quote]Q+hA,aQ t&\ D ?+]/h
如果個個都係咁,各區邊駛特登整個post 出黎比會員申訴?你咁做物即係將兩區混淆?個個都係咁仲駛有版務區?M1Swd/TQ5H
你記唔記得你早幾日先話巡察belibala 唔應該將你政版嘅野搬入黎吹水版講?咁今日你又咁做?豈不是有口話人無口話自己? t-^3`lm-d`hH
你要人秉公處理,你亦要清楚自己嘅會員身份應該要做d 乜;版主執法唔係會員嘅武器,係想令版區運作暢順,令會員矛盾減少,明唔明白?:agree: **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** .....if this is just something between you and Cheery, then you two just go somewhere else or argue it with your private message...
You don't have to make a thread just for this right???
and by the way....I don't think Cheery had said anything too bad...B(U9VI#n6P(S Y
7s z%R-DDQFy^ x
If you think Cheery said you're 死狗 and it's 人身攻擊, then what about you said other people are 白痴幼稚????
In my opinion, there is nothing to complain about.... [quote]Originally posted by [i]jen01[/i] at 2008-5-28 05:59 PM: