關於HP LaserJet1020
這部printer用了很久一直都相安無時, 直至最近我換了電腦係用Vista, 我以為好似XP咁一插即認到但唔係, 都唔緊要上HP個網站download個driver黎用羅, 安裝完成之後係Word做完一份文件但印唔到出黎. 請問有無師兄可以幫忙呀. 唔該 ! What error did you get when you tried to print the document from Word?Are you also able to print the "test" page under printer properties of windows? [quote]Originally posted by [i]slwong3[/i] at 2008-6-3 08:34:
What error did you get when you tried to print the document from Word?
Are you also able to print the "test" page under printer properties of windows? [/quote]
唔該師兄先. 我都唔知, 我係HP download個driver落黎裝左, Window亦都認到. 開頭印過一二張都無問題, 但係後來一直都唔得, 係列印狀態一直顯示有錯誤. 我都唔明點解.
同樣問題都出現係我個Scanner (Epson Perfection 1640SU), 裝左driver之後頭二張都scan到, 但再開機後Window連部scanner都認唔到.
真吹脹唔係要將所有硬件換晒呀 問題己經解決, 可能條USB cable有問題. 換左條cable之後就ok. 就連個scanner都攪掂但我物都無換過真係唔知點解 直係吹脹個條我以為有問題既USB Cable我試下用係其他printer - Canon i950D到係一D 問題都無既. 有無師兄可以話俾我知點解? 不過我呢條USB cable係比一般跟機既cable長D既, 會唔會有影響呢. 但係如果長度有影響咁點解Canon i950D用就無問題但係HP LaserJet1020用就有問題呢. 煩請師兄賜教