全都好SEX喔!!!! ending 原來呢d就係衫... it's like in the 50's where they think what will people in the 2000s will wear, completely stupid. It's not even good design because they're doing it for the shock factor. Humans will wear what is comfortable, easy to wear, and practical. None of these are remotely practical. I'm not saying that in the future, clothes will be more high-tech or not, i'm just saying, it will be for practicality over functionality. 其實著3都係為左舒服姐....著到咁....攞黎搞 interesting fashion
not bad 第八張好似精蟲!未來可能乜鬼都講環保~夏天可能淨係揾幾塊葉算數! 第日可能真係睇到悶 古代衫黎咋下話XD 呢D系乜鬼衫黎ge 似飾物多過似衫~ 攪成咁, 不如唔好著啦.... 都幾怪*PWT6T(o}u-R!r
我鐘意宜宏d衫多d 似練鐵線拳多D