[轉貼]冥王自成一體 失去行星稱號
【明報專訊】冥王星 (Pluto)被褫奪行星 資格兩年後,周三終於取得一個安慰獎﹕從今以後,所有跟冥王星與太陽的距離差不多,體積較小、光度較弱的矮行星 ,均可稱為「冥王體」(plutoids)。)kT a(Mj o
部分「矮行星」統稱「冥王體」 T;Y Sk_
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挪威奧斯陸國際天文學聯合會議決,凡統稱「冥王體」的矮行星,須在太陽系 海王星(Neptune)以外圍繞太陽運行,而且擁一定程度的引力使之形成近球體,又不會捲走其軌道上別的較細星體。/io@IH%w
目前合此資格的,暫得冥王星和比冥王星更遠和稍大的神星(Eris),但天文學家預期將發現更多。至於矮行星穀神星 (Ceres)因位處火星與木星間,故不獲同等稱號。
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法國 天文學家塞薩斯基稱,自06年冥王星由行星被降格為矮行星,天文學界就計劃賦予它另一等格,如今冥王星終擁有「迷人的新稱號」。
[b]叫冥王體算唔算曲線升級呢?e Tmc l!f6|
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不過好安慰ge就係冥王星終於可以收靚,自成一派了!!!:clap:[/b] ......it really makes me feel like those scientists are just too bored and couldn't find something new....so they just changed some names and made some news.... d科學家可能做左d野你唔知呢~
為冥王星平反都係一件好事呀!!!:clap: Yea it's technically called a Plutoid now if i'm not mistaken. I still don't understand how they need to change the definition of a planet so that it excludes Pluto, i mean seriously, if you're going to start to make a completely new category, shouldn't it be unanimous? It's not religion where people say whichever invisible spaghetti monster is the true spaghetti monster, it's based on science and math. People agree on math, because i have yet to see a normal person say 1 + 1=/=2 u are so out!! Its a old old news!!! 如果冥王星有生命的話,
佢一定會諗: 關你班地球人X事~:noway: 知左好耐M)_+[ oClY0U
thx for sharing