唔知大家又覺唔覺得做人很累, 每天的生活都是千篇一律,上班、吃午飯、下班、吃晚飯、睡覺,每天應付繁忙的工作,究竟人的生活是為了什麼?為工作而生活?其實, 香港只是一個適合工作的地方。:help:_rHglYe
很多煩惱, 太多顧忌,太累了:cry: 唔好諗咁多啦
早d訓4w"J D%Q!}
tml is another day3i*n)E1u6g
also, 4s p.m'urh
life must go on 資本主義社會係咁ga 啦.... 唔做人咪仲累:o6_{KT5Ve8oh:L'HU
做動物連咩叫“煩惱”都唔知,咪仲慘:haha: depends on what ethnic group you are, Chinese? bad luck! [quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 00:41:
做動物連咩叫“煩惱”都唔知,咪仲慘:haha: [/quote]
好似d落後地方o既人,你睇人地好似好慘,但係人地不知生活得幾開心\;w0Z+EZl9M q
我老豆老母成日都話以前細個o係大陸雖然窮,生活條件冇而家咁好,但係就生活得好開心 [quote]Originally posted by [i]心亙[/i] at 2008-6-16 12:02 AM:
唔知大家又覺唔覺得做人很累, 每天的... [/quote]%Upxe:_$e/I
o'czsv mL
#z&\%wK vqoti)T
vE1c1c Uu
從你既問題可以觀察到你已經開始受到"影響"了. TK beR"K%K.wpg
暫時不要想太多, 盡可能做你心裡想做的事,
過多幾年你便會知道人的生活是為了什麼. 其實的確係好累LP2H{$Fq
香港人呢種生活真係幾累.. [quote]Originally posted by [i]心亙[/i] at 2008-6-15 08:02 AM:
唔知大家又覺唔覺得做人很累, 每天的... [/quote]#si1t2x-YC:nP5w
當然沒有。人生是殘酷的。如果你不是天子,那你就是賤民。沒有疑問。(@w%a f`$O-j-Nl
[quote]Originally posted by [i]心亙[/i] at 2008-6-16 02:02 AM:MJ[ iT.uR唔知大家又覺唔覺得做人很累, 每天的... [/quote]
#FE-C[e5E ikW'?N
Life maybe not as bored as you think. Maybe it is because you have no targets. Everyone needs to work, eat and to sleep. We are all doing the same things. Some people enjoy life so much. Try to set yourself a target or find yourself some excitments. For example, set a target in you job. lets say. You want to be a manager in the next 2 years. So you have some motivation to make you work harder and once you achieved your target. You will be on the next stage of your life and you will be doing something different. If you are staying the same at all times. Of course it is boring. What else? Try to set a target for your saving (unless money is not a problem for you at all). lets say if you want to buy or do something. (e.g. car, PS3, Wil, new phone, Ipod, or travel). Try to do it. Make yourself rewarded so you know why you're working for. Find something nice to eat. do not eat the same thing everyday otherwise you feel bored again. Find something to learn. (e.g. Computer, paino, english, anything, u name it) Life is all about discovery. Discovery makes your life more exciting. Spending time with family maybe a good one as well. Hope you have a wonderful life. Don't give up and feel down cause life must go on. **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 16-6-2008 00:41:e9Mx@0o4t`#z
唔做人咪仲累:oJj3k e4PFF`oo
做動物連咩叫“煩惱”都唔知,咪仲慘:haha: [/quote]h4F,P$D1|\)XvN
做隻寵物至少可愛迷人...:o:o:o:o:o[/color][/b][/size] 樓主別想得太複雜吧! 現實的各種壓力肯定是讓人累, 但如何感受這種累卻是可自主的, 只在於人的一念之間Xj"I_q1Z9SI
知足常樂, 雖然咁樣肯定做不了第二個李嘉誠, 但亦不是叫樓主無目標如螻蟻般自我催眠地過下半生, 只是讓自己舒適地在不害人的情況下爭取自己想要既嘢, 能讓自己心靈上開心便可以了 q*}NW jFdX,{;K
,S x`(}b#Z
最後強調本人非任何教會中人, 只是希望活得開心的平凡人而已 我認為做人最緊要及時行樂..QXC jpUd
有鍾意既野就做啦.. you speak out my thoughts 真的有點意想不到竟會有這樣多的回應,大家都很樂觀和積極,但自己總是提不起勁,真希望自己真的能夠做到大家所說的.
_ `?%XM
事實上,做動物總比做人好,沒有任何煩惱,多好~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]心亙[/i] at 2008-6-16 11:07 PM:0w t:D Og1l
真的有點意想不到竟會有這樣多的回應,... [/quote]
活著真好!:agree: [quote]Originally posted by [i]alan123boy[/i] at 2008-6-17 08:13 PM:z9q-rM-^y
["O?1R \Zo(Q
人類被稱為萬物之靈(雖然係自稱),U7EK5F{ ~a}kC
... [/quote]Harr|3C}
以致能力愈大 責任愈大