Bootable USB stick for XP
我有隻自動碟for XP install,有 Meun 擇 有邊個Bro. 識得抄晒隻碟落隻手指, 仲要Boot到机個隻,Thank you [url][/url] Thank you Chenjinnan, this article I read before. My CD was not only can install XP but also have another program to use in the choose meun, I want to copy all thing in the CD to the USB stick and boot from USB just like the CD. Did anyone know how to do it? [quote]Originally posted by [i]chansuper123[/i] at 2008-6-23 12:59 PM:
我有隻自動碟for XP install,有 Meun 擇 有邊個Bro. 識得抄晒隻碟落隻手指, 仲要Boot到机個隻,
Thank you [/quote]
就咁抄落去唔得既咩?:haha: are you able to do it?