Temporary internet files 問題..
Tempoary internet files 個folder 應該係下載左好多上網ge files...我之前睇過好多you tube片...但最近用左windows vista 想係ie 工具>網際網絡選項>刪除 想刪除或下載you tube 片d files....但結果係冇果d files...但係HD D 容易就用得好快,1日就去左3-4G...但明明就冇用咁多....有冇高人知道點解??... Did you check the temporary internet files on the "correct" user account?Just go to internet options under your IE and delete files from there. 部腦新買..係得我一個ACCOUNT. ja.. 可以做 Disk Cleanup (Under Accessories > System tools) 看看? 請問中文係咩野同點樣禁出來法??... 你果3-4gb files係咪於Temporary internet files 裡面先?
佢會記錄你日常既使用習慣,等你常用既program load得快d,
所以你果3-4gb file應該係正常的。 你唔想係HD佔用太多空間的話,可以轉到USB或其他地方。 再唔係你試下用ccleaner 丫... 簡單又好用...
佢唔單止可以clean hard disk... 仲可以repair 好多野...
例如當你uninstall 左個software .....
通常都有好多唔用既files仲留左係你個hard disk度...
你可以去 [url=http://www.ccleaner.com/download]http://www.ccleaner.com/download[/url] 下載