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eb1818 發表於 2008-8-3 01:52 PM

有時去麥記 / KFC 食野真係好鬼忟 ~

次次去親排隊買野都等好鬼耐, 個個收銀做野都好 "淋 lor ",
}C,Y(^d1s*k#V-H#e 有時我心諗, 唉算喇, 係醒既都唔駛係呢d地方做..... (大家覺得我咁諗係未好衰?)

admin 發表於 2008-8-3 02:01 PM

/@ D/G2Sl^&t'\ 尤其最近轉左新安排, 收錢同送食物分兩個人做:yy30:

hllee 發表於 2008-8-3 02:04 PM

很小事吧,俾點耐性. fd0Phe`
人地都可以諗: 你咁多要求,去酒店吃牛扖一定好服務.

Ronno 發表於 2008-8-3 02:09 PM

根本係成個system問題R#vIK;uU%`d ?$F

z\2vXn i{CWa 個收銀要收完$再去執野食梗慢喇

anakinchan 發表於 2008-8-3 02:28 PM

同以前相比麥記係耐左,但我覺得個問題係因為個流程改變左ExD xM9rz
以前款式少,每款整定10幾個擺係度等你買e C+YHH7m
X!ejy9Ed 你買的時候要等係因為要員工即整,所以要等
}4]+{&i3[A#M 唔關個sales醒唔醒的問題,我相信做呢d工作都ok,
^2Q(u`@ I9~2u 要等因為d食物未做好e0N[)qhv0B+S
D ~~Gg } 你覺得人慢時,到你做service時人亦覺得你慢,"N3@4o-CRRC

h.t.f 發表於 2008-8-3 06:09 PM

'_8x1Sq!P&Y$~ 如果咁講究食質素既,都唔會去m記la.
'qf_)] un POT0g-j(ziB

Yui.i 發表於 2008-8-4 02:30 PM


kinz 發表於 2008-8-4 04:32 PM

漢堡皇回歸香港前後都已經用呢種方式, 以前都無聽人講嫌慢 :yy03:

123456yyyYYY 發表於 2008-8-5 02:27 PM

1年半未食過= =]]
SQkN!K]Y1G 咩都唔知..

sage 發表於 2008-8-5 11:00 PM

becoz they dont know the principles of logistics..

lsasus 發表於 2008-8-6 04:52 PM


GoodPic 發表於 2008-8-6 05:09 PM


艾奧羅斯 發表於 2008-8-9 08:09 PM

m 記依家個電腦系統咪重白痴多鬼餘,,
6yE4vTD]/vAf order 完野叫人等,後面既同事睇電腦"執野"
W'Y+E&T#rApf 但係個個等既人咪又係企係個收銀前等...
F%i;z-Y+t"X)@ 快又唔見得快左..

nono_comdan 發表於 2008-8-9 11:24 PM

z0D M;J ]BA 如果慢只有一個原因,d crew廢,m記用埋d沒質素的crew,速度當然慢。X.v\ I }y'Mq

R-Star 發表於 2008-8-9 11:31 PM

終於知道發生咩事喇, 真係好耐冇去麥記食野
PQ5uc6~:u"zG %\Z;t@&n,R;a&O
前幾日去m記, 有5-6個counter, 每個都係得0-2個人'^|GATi)?E
明明算少人, 但唔知點解要等咁耐, 同以前tailor-make一個飽o既時間差唔多, 搞到我企起度都唔知仲乜%uR H!W9Ps6Kl
等等等, 等左3-5mins
*Ov*h6P)Ii 4[$o5Xag yA8S*}%F:lK
如果改變係令到個service差左o既, 一係就變番之前, 一係就再變好d
Yj0c1B-]4w%a:F(f 最緊要係佢地知道有問題存在 :o

rongol 發表於 2008-8-14 02:12 PM

其實都係等一分鐘啫 M.ku m$N"tw Tu`y k

cbhc 發表於 2008-8-29 04:00 PM

你係有$$ 可以去高級餐廳....唔洗去m記同kfc

二米 發表於 2008-8-29 05:06 PM

依家m記分開左兩個程序去做.. 比之前好似仲拖慢左咁
F_j-L;E/G3](Qj!f 而且仲搞到前面有成堆人係度等C'u+o(KOGB6b
有時佢個電腦hand左.. 等得仲耐- -"
G;@V+nW\%? 我個人覺得KFC既問題不大.. 可能比較多野要執na

slwong3 發表於 2008-8-29 08:39 PM

I am not sure about HK...zm X jcP uwP.Q6s
but in North America, they do it in the same way too and I think most of the time they do it pretty fast (note that, I have tried McDonalds at a lot of different places.....)])b[6m Sp
The cashier person makes the order on the computer.  Staff at the back read the order and make the food.  (In North America, most of the stores even have 1 or 2 extra cashier counters for "drive-thru")  After that, the cashier would mostly just need to put the fries in the "red" paper tray and put all the food inside the bag.|5Lc5N(b
One of the problem with the HK McDonalds is that they have a lot of more special choices compare with the ones in North America.  When I visit HK, almost 90% of the time (day time), the McDonalds in HK are very busy.  That kind of work load would never exist in McDonalds in North America.6TarbM*v [@\2fg

cC6V(T$r In my opinion, for people in HK will just have to be patient....or you guys will have to request the store to hire more people to work.....

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