今週的英超有幾球插水12碼錯判, 尤其是c7的那球
我自己就覺得,插水無錯, 最重要係看球証點判,對與錯的在於他主觀的決定
插水就好似爭角球, 界外球一樣, 個個都亂舉手話係自己波............最後咪又係睇球証判
可能有人會話,插水唔道德, 但畢竟係比賽的一部份, 縱然我唔會鼓勵插水, 但我就覺得罰牌就嚴左少少
有時球員跣親都會比人罰,又確係無辜 插水係球賽一部份,好多人會將佢形容為藝術,認為識插水插得叻都係幫球隊既一部份,不過偷呃既野其實都無咩道德.角球界外球果D有時又真係鬥舉下手睇下有冇機,但係未必直接影響球賽.但係插水,同常都係講係十二碼或者危險既罰球.
C朗插水果球,其實應該咁講.SAMUEL係剷到波先,再有CONTACT令C朗跌,至於C朗俾D咩反應我就唔記得啦.但係佢本人就經常少少碰撞就FING哂手投訴,呢樣就真係好唔要得. [quote]原帖由 [i]cfccfcc[/i] 於 2008-9-30 12:41 AM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2875703&ptid=191338][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
有幾球插水12碼錯判, 尤其是c7的那球
我自己就覺得,插水無錯, 最重要係看球証點判,對與錯的在於他主觀的決定
插水就好似爭角球, 界外球一樣, 個個都亂舉手話係自己波............ ... [/quote]
之後就判左12碼 Wigan嗰球仲離譜 插水無錯ge話最咩要吹罰,做咩要比黃牌
插水無錯...真係虧你講得出 個人覺得插水屬於一種欺騙o既技倆
都幾不君子下 , 有違體育精神
更加係勝之不武 Oh my goodness....are you asking any opinion about diving to a professional referee?!
Diving = Attacking players try to cheat referee to make crucial decision. That’s enough for booking as referee will book him for "dissent action"
There would be similar situation when a player got blocked, and fall down, he thinks he got foul and ask referee to give a yellow to opponent .. this player is trying to cheat referee to make crucial decision. Referee MUST give a yellow card for that player.
Maybe you never know "Laws of the game"
In professional game, no player allows to say, "me" or "number xx", players can only called they first name/surname.. otherwise that’s cheating to opponents, result is simple, yellow card for dissent word. [quote]原帖由 [i]cfccfcc[/i] 於 2008-9-30 12:41 AM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2875703&ptid=191338][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
有幾球插水12碼錯判, 尤其是c7的那球
[color=red]我自己就覺得,插水無錯, 最重要係看球証點判,對與錯的在於他主觀的決定
[/color]插水就好似爭角球, 界外球一樣, 個個都亂舉手話係自己波............ ... [/quote]
[size=3][font=新細明體]很難認同插水無錯這個論調[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial], [/font][/font][font=新細明體]因插水本身就是欺騙球賽參予者的不君子行為[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial], [/font][/font][font=新細明體]而且更很有可能影響球賽的結果[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial], [/font][/font][font=新細明體]若不判罰咁個個都走去博一博[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial], [/font][/font][font=新細明體]横掂衰咗都冇事[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial], [/font][/font][font=新細明體]只會衍生大量的誤判[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial], [/font][/font][font=新細明體]扭曲足球比賽的意義[/font][font=新細明體][/font][/size]
[font=新細明體][font=Arial][size=3] [/size][/font][/font]
[size=3][font=新細明體]再者用球証主觀判決來[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial]support[/font][/font][font=新細明體]更不合理[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial], [/font][/font][font=新細明體]問題在於插水本質有沒有錯[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial], [/font][/font][font=新細明體]若真的有錯比喻為打家劫舍[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial], [/font][/font][font=新細明體]唔通法庭誤判咗冇罪就等於打家劫舍是無錯嗎[/font][font=新細明體][font=Arial]?[/font][/font][/size] [quote]原帖由 [i]cfccfcc[/i] 於 2008-9-30 12:41 AM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2875703&ptid=191338][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
有幾球插水12碼錯判, 尤其是c7的那球
[color=red]我自己就覺得,插水無錯, 最重要係看球証點判,對與錯的在於他主觀的決定
[/color]插水就好似爭角球, 界外球一樣, 個個都亂舉手話係自己波............ ... [/quote]
很難認同插水無錯這個論調, 因這確是欺騙所有參予者的不君子行為, 最重要就是這是很可能影響球賽結果, 若不判罰就個個都博一博, 橫掂都冇損失, 扭曲比賽的意義
用球証主觀決定來support更沒道理, 問題只在于插水本質上是否有錯, 若真的有錯就比喻若打劫殺人, 唔通法庭誤判無罪咁就可以當打劫殺人無錯? [quote]原帖由 [i]brightlee[/i] 於 2008-9-30 12:54 PM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2876266&ptid=191338][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Oh my goodness....are you asking any opinion about diving to a professional referee?!
Diving = Attacking players try to cheat referee to make crucial decision. That’s enough for booking as referee w ... [/quote]
Come on, I KNEW that players cannot call me or whatsoever in the game
what i wanted to stress is that............Diving ----> to win a penalty or a free kick
Obviously i knew that ref will give yellow to diving players~ but why do people still DIVE??????
Did u actually think of it????
The main thing is that, if all DIVING is spotted out, players will never dive.....but the fact that football game is partially determined by referee, so there is a situation where the ref is giving the wrong judgement tells us that.......football game is kind of different~
我想講, 如果插水係咁不道德, 咁不君子, 點解仲有球員去插呢?????
球証-------係好多時會判錯, 球員就係捉住呢點先去插...........
或者咁講.....如果有instant video review,就無問題啦......邊個仲會插?
無錯, 係响球証睇到的情況下
球員插得, 就一定要承受一個風險,就係比球証睇到比牌
the is the rule of the game~ but the rule also says......if the ref gives a PEN......its a PEN
佢地插水, 係冒著拿黃牌的危險去做...........但若果真係搏到佢地就贏啦
最終..........插水與否, 都係歸咎於球証的判決....所以........插水我真係覺得無錯, 但亦唔arm Oh my goodness....are you asking any opinion about diving to a professional referee?!
[color=red]Yes of coz~
Diving = Attacking players try to cheat referee to make crucial decision. That’s enough for booking as referee will book him for "dissent action"
[color=red]Of couse i know they will be rewarded yellow if spotted, but how if the ref cannot spot it out and gave a penalty? thats enough for creating a goal......you can see what C7 do for so much penalty in the past few years[/color]
There would be similar situation when a player got blocked, and fall down, he thinks he got foul and ask referee to give a yellow to opponent .. this player is trying to cheat referee to make crucial decision. Referee MUST give a yellow card for that player.
[color=red]It wouldn't be similar as over-reacted players will be allowed a yellow, but there won;t be any different outcome. But diving players maybe awarded a penalty if they are lucky enough.[/color]
Maybe you never know "Laws of the game"
In professional game, no player allows to say, "me" or "number xx", players can only called they first name/surname.. otherwise that’s cheating to opponents, result is simple, yellow card for dissent word
[color=red]I think in your life....its very simple.....black and white, there must be GREY in the real world...... referee is human, they will make wrong decisions, so..........cheating.......may sometimes got what they wasn't actually deserved, so its not realted to what u say a player called" ME" or "有"~![/color]
[color=#ff0000]I am really angry with this reply........as you totally disrespected me and made me feel sick[/color]
[color=#ff0000]When players kept doing the same thing that the whole world say "NO" , there should be some reason behind.....so please try to understand the actual main problem before blasting on others[/color] I respect what you said
I will answer your post later on, I am in office now, not convince to answer anything 插水就肯定唔岩, 但插水既定義其實唔在於防守球員有無踼到進攻球員,..反而係進攻球員跌果時既反應...
比賽時既速度其實真係好快...有時可能輕微碰撞都足以拎到進攻球員跌...又或者...即使真係無任何接觸...但因為要避防守球員既爛截都會跌...所以最重要進攻球員既態度...有d 真係過份誇張...呢d行為係最唔要得... [img]http://i1.hk/u/attachments/day_080922/20080922_e8815b62414c6f6668f42H4Vnc26s6zN.gif[/img]
See this?
even not in the penalty area...........the player dived and lampard got fouled.......~ I don't want to compare with any players.
However, recently I just saw another post about Maradona.
If you guys have watched those replays or video for Maradona, you can tell that a good player does not need to do such cheating stuffs for diving. Have you guys ever seen Maradona dived? He fell down only because the defenders brought him down.
I agree with what Sonyguy said in the above. It all depends on the attacking player. If his attitude is good, he wouldn't do such diving to corrupt the game at all. 武功都有暗器, 足球為何不可有插水? [quote]原帖由 [i]hwkeung[/i] 於 2008-10-1 02:34 PM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2877818&ptid=191338][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
武功都有暗器, 足球為何不可有插水? [/quote]
very interesting comment
We have to admit that in the real world, there are people who would use whatever cheap ways they can do to accomplish what they desire.
Yes, a player can keep on diving but this is not something that should be tolerate on the soccer field. i think actually if the defensive player has physical contact with the offensive player and causes the offensive player to lose balance or lose the ball or just minimise the chance of scoring they should fall and try to get a penalty or free kick. But i really hate when there wasn't even physical contact and the offensice player falls, reacts very big and trys to get a penalty! [quote]原帖由 [i]slwong3[/i] 於 2008-10-1 02:19 PM 發表 [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=2877803&ptid=191338][img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I don't want to compare with any players.
However, recently I just saw another post about Maradona.
If you guys have watched those replays or video for Maradona, you can tell that a good player does ... [/quote]
Maradona.......a legend....you should remember that he hasn;t dived.......but he actually used hand to put the ball into the net......so thats kind of cheating/cheap thing? right?? 正所謂『唔理黑貓定白貓, 捉到老鼠就係好貓』,
Maradona好波人所共知, 但都有上帝之手,
在兵法<<五輪之書>>入面有講過, 每個武士每場對決都要視死如歸,
唔係你死就係我亡, 勝負大於一切, 用在所有場合都一樣.
道德只用在能夠雙贏的情況下才健康, 唔係世界大亂,
你俾人打到半死緊係踢jj插眼鎖喉嚨乜都出晒黎啦, 仲同人講道德啊?