Will you support 黃毓民????
Frankly, i am not happy about the action from 黃毓民in the council. Although he is helping the old group for getting more benefit, but this is not the proper action for showing to HK citizens. His supporters request him to talk in the council and not expel from the council. We are not the same as Taiwan's council!!!!! :nogood: :nogood: :nogood: :lol: 長毛之前四年唔通一如外間所言又係一句說話都無講過
每次開會都係咁俾人趕走?:lol: l i!?7TC1h@T
聽從行政長官發表司政表告,可以代表市民發聲嫁?:lol: um.....if we have more and more ppl like this, the council will have no more filter-004ion........ 當然啦