不過節目中只能做"歡樂小姐". 沈卓盈好正呀.............. :love: 其實佢有做MODEL嘅條件!:love: 佢對黑絲襪好搶鏡 !! thank you ivy姐姐靚照. :kiss: thank you thank you thank youmore Jess would be really appreciated [quote]thank you thank you thank you
more Jess would be really appreciated
[size=2][url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=3307744&ptid=210277][color=#999999]Unfair 發表於 2009-10-20 04:18 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
I also took some photos when they're on stage (around 7:15-7:30), but just use pocket camera and quality were poor, so won't show here la. 佢對腳真係殺死人
thx ! 沈卓盈 真係冇得頂:yy07: :yy07: 真係好正...... 嘩 對黑絲呢:mad:
真係睇到眼火都爆:mad: 多了一個幻想對象:D icy姐姐 :love: 佢真係好靚呀~ 沈卓盈 真係冇得頂 i love you love her so much~