男人之苦 (脫髮問題)
**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 呢d野我認為信唔過囉~脫髮始終佔左大部分因素係遺傳基因~單單靠呢d產品點會有效丫 Regine is one of the market acknowledged workable one however the successful rate not higher than 25% depends on individuals. (This is information for reference purpose only.) REGINE 有人話有效, 但都係因人已而 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 織髮啦 :) **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 食藥囉8suaM TU]a再唔係織髮 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [b] [url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=3335439&ptid=213422]6#[/url] [i]電梯男[/i] [/b]
呃錢, 唔好去 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** Simply cut them off.:P 睇到暈...................