NBA Trade deadline
18//2 就係deadline. 借此update轉會最新消息.先唻第一單:
Washington and Dallas
Dallas get:
Brendan Haywood
Caron Butler
DeShawn Stevenson
Washington get:
Josh Howard
Drew Gooden
Quinton Ross
James Singleton
josh howard不能融入球隊, 換唻攻守不俗既caron butler,加上haywood填補傷患纏身既dampier, 對dallas絕對有利 既交易. 得分後衛位置得到解決. terry重回第六人角色. stevenson防守出色, 二三號位替補絕對稱職.
washington為重整球隊作出第一步. josh howard如果表現不如意,季尾能放棄其合約. gooden與jamison風格相約,攻強於守,預料不會長久留用. 球隊決心以jamison為中心重建, 放棄以往三巨頭組合 [b] [url=]1#[/url] [i]Shaqleung[/i] [/b]
The Wizards are still looking at Jamison offers, not necessarily rebuilding around him... [i=s] 本帖最後由 Rated-R 於 2010-2-16 01:13 PM 編輯 [/i]
[quote] 1# Shaqleung
The Wizards are still looking at Jamison offers, not necessarily rebuilding around him...
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]skyhookii 發表於 2010-2-16 11:49 AM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
Jamison都差唔多有32-34歲(冇記錯既話),而家先搵佢做重建核心,似乎不切實際,我認為佢系下個被Wizards交易既目標,之後用被Jamison,Haywood,CB三位前朝大哥處以劣評既天才前鋒Blatche作重建核心,以Mike.Miller,J-Ho,Foye及Gooden為輔,並釋放今季被簡化的7呎工兵型中鋒McGee吸取經驗 Rumour has it that the Lakers are involved in a three-team trade that has Hinrich go to the Lakers, Tyrus Thomas and Sasha Vujacic to Portland, Adam Morrison, an expiring contract and a draft pick to Bulls.
This trade can be affected by the fact that Luke Walton is dealing with back spasms yet again and is out indefinitely, meaning the Lakers need another SF to play. With Luke out, Adam may not be traded. 認同諸位講法. 如能換走合約豐厚既jamison,正式重組球隊,百利而無一害.
just now a米否認過檔騎士, 換取big z同jj hickson.
mcgrady或有機會轉投new york,形成三贏局面. Sources claim the Camby deal is done: Los Angeles Clippers trade Marcus Camby to Portland Trail Blazers for Steve Blake, Travis Outlaw and cash. [quote]Sources claim the Camby deal is done: Los Angeles Clippers trade Marcus Camby to Portland Trail Blazers for Steve Blake, Travis Outlaw and cash.
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]skyhookii 發表於 2010-2-16 08:04 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
如果成真,Blazers苦心經營多年的改革工程必毀於一旦,Blake及Outlaw是那種在重要關頭顯身價的球員,而且質高能力廣,Blazers近年冒起迅速,其中一殺著某程度系有呢兩個Golden 2003既產物一直在隊中擔任影子殺手,又一證明2003年出產的現役球手不是一軍之首(James,Antony,Bosh,Wade,Kaman),亦是中流砥柱(West,Perkins,Diaw,Brabosa,Mo.Will) [quote]Sources claim the Camby deal is done: Los Angeles Clippers trade Marcus Camby to Portland Trail Blazers for Steve Blake, Travis Outlaw and cash.
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]skyhookii 發表於 2010-2-16 08:04 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]Steve Blake, Travis Outlaw係portland既重要琪子....
Outlaw既身體質素同camby相比有過之而無不及~蝕死既Trade~ outlaw潛質的確優厚,去年實在係球隊最佳第六人. steve blake亦係一個穩定既控球後衛. 我都相信球隊唔想同佢兩個分開.
(1) outlaw大半季受傷,狀態回復成疑.
(2) oden與przybilla大有可能全季休養. camby可以填補內線空缺.
(3) bayless有好表現,加上andre miller亦未能換走, steve blake變得可以不要.
或者portland亦都想今年季後賽有好表現, 先會作出呢個決定.長遠睇,可能係蝕本生意,但短期成效可以預料. [quote]outlaw潛質的確優厚,去年實在係球隊最佳第六人. steve blake亦係一個穩定既控球後衛. 我都相信球隊唔想同佢兩個分開.
(1) outlaw大半季受傷,狀態回復成疑.
(2) oden與przybilla大有可能全季休 ...
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]Shaqleung 發表於 2010-2-17 12:34 AM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]其實好矛盾~
打完今季,隊波既人腳有排trade先可以平衡得到~ A team with Oden, Przybilla and Camby scares me... [quote]A team with Oden, Przybilla and Camby scares me...
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]skyhookii 發表於 2010-2-17 09:56 AM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
why...???:confused::confused: [quote]
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]arthur8088 發表於 2010-2-17 03:45 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]可能佢話呢3人組合勁吧 [quote]outlaw潛質的確優厚,去年實在係球隊最佳第六人. steve blake亦係一個穩定既控球後衛. 我都相信球隊唔想同佢兩個分開.
(1) outlaw大半季受傷,狀態回復成疑.
(2) oden與przybilla大有可能全季休 ...
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]Shaqleung 發表於 2010-2-17 12:34 AM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
這件事証明了Blazers的管理層仍然缺乏當勁旅的思維.......... [quote]
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]arthur8088 發表於 2010-2-17 03:45 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
Well let's not forget LaMarcus Aldridge and Brandon Roy, shall we? Oden and Camby can play at the same time and block shots, if not intimidate the offense. Then there's Aldridge who can be moved to SF and Roy... [quote]
這件事証明了Blazers ...
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]Rated-R 發表於 2010-2-17 09:26 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
I don't think so.
They had bunch of SF, Batum, Outlaw, Webster, Rudy (playing G/F)
and 3 point guards, Miller, Blake and Bayless
I am not surprised at all they make this trade.
Of cos if that's injury free in Blazers, they don't need to get any trade. But in this situation, that's reasonable trade.
Looked at their bench before the trade, they were loads of guards, SF, but no backup PF/C. This trade must be consider if you think about how the team to get balance. [quote]
Well let's not forget LaMarcus Aldridge and Brandon Roy, shall we? Oden and Camby can play at the same time and block shots, if not intimidate the offense. Then there's Aldridge who can be moved to S ...
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]skyhookii 發表於 2010-2-17 09:30 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
I believe Camby will be backup if all the injured players are back to fitness [quote]
I believe Camby will be backup if all the injured players are back to fitness
[size=2][url=][color=#999999]brightlee 發表於 2010-2-17 07:56 PM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]
Wouldn't be surprising, but Nate McMillan can surely play Camby at power forward like Mike Dunleavy did when he was with the Clippers. How come no one discuss DALLAS? They are like an all-star team now:
PG - Kidd
SG - C.Butler
C - Dampier / Haywood
PF - Dirk
SF - Shawn Marion...
The bench: Dampier, Jason Terry, Deshawn Stevenson... Because Dallas is either amazingly good or surprisingly bad. If one guy plays bad, everybody follows. If one guy plays well, they can be an elite team. But just for that one game.