高手!help! I-Cable 上唔倒網
我用i-cable上網winxp sp2, 右下角個電腦icon 表示我己連線, 但有個感嘆號show左出來, 表示此連線沒有權限...己有一個多月了, 它有給我ip address我也check過modem 既online LED是ON的, 但所有icq, msn, explore 全部connect唔倒, 是否中毒? One possible reason I can think of :you could be downloading too much stuff therefore your ISP has closed your bandwidth.
Just my 2CP :P 如果真係既話點算? CUT 左佢啦,轉第二間。 netvigator都係咁... [quote]Originally posted by [i]mansonkey[/i] at 2005-2-9 03:43 PM:
我用i-cable上網winxp sp2, 右下角個電腦icon 表示我己連線, 但有個感嘆號show左出來, 表示此連線沒有權限...己有一個多月了, 它有給我ip address我也check過modem 既online LED是ON的, 但所有icq, msn, explore ... [/quote]
why not call i-cable fuxking SC to help you? [quote]Originally posted by [i]knight2[/i] at 2005-3-12 02:26 AM:
why not call i-cable fuxking CS to help you? [/quote] 會唔會係個modem認mac address呀!? 有冇試過unplug個modem幾分鐘再plug番(release address) 會唔會係張 LAN 咭有問題 release ip address then restart the PC,
or phone to I-cable, they can release Your IP..