坦白講吖, 老婆老時我都會老啦, 邊有得咁計吖? :D
再者, 小弟以前正宗係登濤浪子, 持住有多少本錢能耐就到處留情, 霧水情緣同女伴真係數唔清, 版友妳未嚟之前呢度大多版友都知小弟d "惡行"咖喇......所以靚嘅女 ...
[size=2][url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=3403395&ptid=222448][color=#999999]BOYDWAN 發表於 2010-3-19 01:08 AM[/color][/url][/size][/quote]總算無欣賞錯你這個頑皮的版主呢! lovely puppy????? what if they grow old..... will u abandon it?? :yy35::yy27:makes me sympathy theses poor dogs
if so u should better get a small dog like pekingese chiwawa ......the list goes on... lol
dont even think about shepherds, labs, bal bal bal .........(they r cute only when they are puppies)
i got a pekingese (if she s a cat, she s a white garfield :yy26:my nightmares compare to her are like birthday parties lol) and a lab( good girl:yy16:)~