愛上了Pau Gasol
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPQlXrRPNV4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPQlXrRPNV4[/url]老實說 , 我覺得湖人不夠 "硬" ... 但我不是討厭他這樣 ,
反而是喜歡 !!! 我唔知係咪因為反美立場 ,
近年已經非常唔喜歡美式 , 那種過度崇尚力量的打法 ,
湖人的 "軟" 反而是我喜歡的~~
看Gasol打球 , 有人說他娘 , 但他就是似水一樣 , 硬頂他 ,
他卻水一般 "滲入" 到你籃底 ... 雖不算非常精彩 ,
其實我覺得Kobe也有點異曲同功之妙 ,
看他這兩年明明多籃底單打(第一次看到時 , 我呆了) ,
但感覺他整個人反而柔軟了 ... 我甚至覺得他也打得有點歐式
(或者因為他童年在意大利過吧) Gasol isn't "soft" anymore... He can at least play Kendrick Perkins now. Of course, he still has a "soft" game. He doesn't need to go hard all the time, being the most skilful power forward in the game right now.
As for Kobe, I don't see how you see he's become softer... SORRY , 我個意思既 "軟" , 係好似背籃單打咁 , 背部可以更敏感 ,
用很軟柔的方法轉入籃底 ... 不同於美國一係用力量 ,
唔 ... 另外一個例子係在Duncan身上 , 有次搶籃板 ,
白蘭特死頂爛頂 , 但Duncan調轉 , 企直身前傾向升或少少 ,
就搶到籃板拉 ... 希望咁講 , 大家會明我 "軟" 既意意拉~~ Oh, so you mean like, he's not the Shaq or Dwight Howard type who just uses sheer power to get closer to the basket? Yeah I totally agree with that and that makes him the best power forward in the game today, in my opinion.