大家好!!近日本人把電腦format 了後想重新安裝windows時, 一直都不能使用fdisk 的指令,每次使用 FDISK時, 總是出現 "No fixed disk presented" 的訊息。
但當我把硬碟安裝在別的電腦上時,就可以使用 FDISK, 於是我便在別的電腦上安裝了WINDOWS 2000, 再把已安裝了WINDOWS 的硬碟插回不能使用FDISK的電腦上,但都是不能進入WINDOWS. 每次都會出現以下的訊息:
"Novell Netware Ready Firmware v1.00(940809)
(c)Copyright 1991-1994 Novell, Inc. All right reserved.
SiS 900/7016 PCI Adapters Dos ODI Driver V1.13(011015)
(c)Copyright 1998 SiS Corp. All right reserved."
想請問各位,我的電腦發生了什麼問題? 請救救小人的電腦哦~~
{註:我的電腦是因為不正確地uninstall linux, 所以才要format, 但我以用了fdisk /mbr, 不知這有沒有關係?)
banana 似乎部機連HDD都見唔到。
The reason why u can't use the fdisk command is because your HD is formatted by a non-DOS OS. U can use a third party fdisk program, like the linux fdsik or u can try partition magic.fdisk/mbr can only use to clear the Master Boot Record, your problem is on the whole partition.
真正的才人,對惡劣的環境,自然會克服、突破,只要加上一些兒的運氣,配合時機,或有一點兒耐心,是沒有懷才不遇這回事的 Gdisk.exe seems to be the simplest solution for you. Gdisk.exe is not free and so you may have to buy it or go borrow it from friends of yours if they have GHOST software.