Kings 食錯藥嗎?AI+ Webber......呵呵
Report: Sixers acquire Webber from Kings
February 23, 2005
BRISTOL, Connecticut (Ticker) - The Philadelphia 76ers apparently have
finally gotten superstar Allen Iverson some help.
On the eve of the NBA trading deadline, the 76ers have acquired star
forward Chris Webber from the Sacramento Kings in a six-player deal,
according to a report on ESPN.com.
According to the report, the Sixers also received swingman Matt Barnes
and forward Michael Bradley. They sent forwards Kenny Thomas, Corliss
Williamson and Brian Skinner to the Kings, who clearly are looking to pare
[[i] Last edited by kyleung on 2005-2-24 at 01:25 PM [/i]] it's true...
what the crap.........
obivously they're trying to free up the payroll...
iverson's dream has come true tho
i'm happy 4 him...
still shocked...
since the carter's trade...
this is def. the biggest one...
man... is that surprise to u ???
since the start of season .. we know that either Chris Webber or Peja Stojakovic will get trade after Webber open his mouth in public saying Peja too soft last year during playoff and that why they lost ... ( something like that .. cant remember exact word ) since then, its like a well known thing that they dont get along ... so one of them will be gone ....
i know KING fans will be piss because of that .... but if u a Webber fan, u should be happy that Webber move to East, since East forward is not as strong compare to West IMO
oh BTW, just notice my pts ... i think Bro shaqkobe still oue me 30 pts :P i never get my pts, no biggy though, talking in this board become my daily thing to do :P
[[i] Last edited by Ticat on 2005-2-24 at 12:34 AM [/i]] 救命!!我好想爆粗呀!!
Kenny Thomas !?唔好比我見到佢打正選.....
[[i] Last edited by 科 on 2005-2-24 at 01:42 PM [/i]] I think Kings is on rebuilding situation.
When they lost Divac,(it's normal for 36 yrs old center), then lost Doug Christie (trade to Mobley).....
then the trent is coming....
As we know that Peja and C Webber were not happy in this situation now, so one of them should be out.
The advantage for this trade will be (in Kings) Peja would get more happier in the team.....
The bench is a little bit stronger.... (cos they get Skinner and Kenny Thomas.
The disadv for the Kings will be they lost an attacker...... well, the formation for Kings will be changing.. but it may be good for them. (in long term)
As we know Webber is injured-prove and he's not as stable as he was (especially in defense) these 3 players may be helping Kings in defending (except height problem)
76ers will get the most adv in this trade and will win the 3rd seed more easily than we expect.
AI could get some helper to help him...
but as Christ Webber is injured-proved, we should be caution that, will AI can make the chemistry with Webber... or not.. see Big Dog (Glenn Robinson? also no. 1 draft pick, also would like to keep the ball)
so let see how's AI doing in future... if he could give up more balls, then his career would be longer, otherwise, the trade will be wasted. kings呢個交易真係另人覺得怪怪地,唔通真係忍唔到webber佢果黎漫不經心既態度?不過點都好最大得益者一定係76人,但係AI、webber夾唔夾呢?希望AI依家成熟左,可以融合到啦。
[[i] Last edited by shaqkobe on 2005-2-24 at 07:16 PM [/i]] 呢個交易落實左架啦?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-2-24 07:14 PM:
呢個交易落實左架啦?? [/quote]
落實左啦,係惡夢 Espn is confrimed about this trade... but that's no in official yet..... well...not surprise seeing Webber departs, but surprise that the Kings accepts such a deal. Actually, I think the lost of Webber is not going to cause big problem to the Kings since Mobley, Bibbly, Peja and Miller can share Webber's role. (They are better without Webber last year)
Through this trade, Kings has also upgraded its bench with more deep on the Foward position. Beside, Kings also has the financial flexibility for next year.
Philly simply make another push for their playoff run...that's all...
I am expecting the Blazers to deal Shareef financial will NOT be flexible in Kings next yr.
all of the players, Skinners, williamson and Thomas are having long contracts......
so watch out the future for Kings..... 落實左 la, 唉.....我都希望呢個只係轉會傳言。
聽到呢個消息,仲傷心個尋日看住arsenal 俾拜仁大炒。
正如 kyleung 所講, 呢個絕對係食錯藥0既決定。
可能大家認為kings 志在減少薪酬支出, 因為 webber 仲有3年總值6千200萬的高價合約, 平均年薪超過2千萬。但大家都知nba 買賣唔同足球, 係無轉會費, 而換來0既3名球員0既薪金係等同 webber 0既薪金。詳情如下:
K.THOMAS : 5年3千9百萬(但轉會後+15%)
Williams: 2年1千2百50萬
Skinner: 1年4百90萬死約, 另一年5百90萬生約, 但即使 kings 唔續約, 也要付合約的75%
(from ESPN.COM)
即是kings 的薪金開支係交易後沒有減少, 也沒有最後1年合約的球員。以薪金來說, 唯一好處是替這3人找買家, 理論上比 webber 容易。
也可以增強球隊的防守及搶籃板球的能力(或說是比較勤力去搶籃板球)。我相信 Kenny Thomas 會是 kings 的新正選大前鋒, 但6-7寸的他在西岸很難有上季平均 double-double 的表現, 而且在防守一眾7尺高的頂級大前鋒相信會很吃力, 這一點他在火箭時代的舊隊友 mobley 相信早己體會到。
我敢講呢3個人加起來都唔會好過一個走緊下坡的 webber。在先後失去了 divac, Christie, webber 之後, kings 仍會是全聯盟最多助攻的球隊嗎? 如果這筆交易的目的是為了留下 peja, 我真的不明白為何要犧牲 webber 去爭取一個尚未動筆續約, 也沒有領導能力的球員。最重要係, 一個咁重要0既交易, 應該係季前做, 或者打埋呢個球季先做, kings 今季咁就玩完, 唉.............
[[i] Last edited by kakueeken on 2005-2-24 at 09:29 PM [/i]] kenny thomas條蛋散得6尺7係西岸守條毛都未夠班啦
如果個3件野仲有長約係身,咁kings就可以收皮了 i think they will sign Mobley...
height is a big problem for Kings, but to be honest, Kings needs to steps up to restructuring....
it's in transaction period..
Look for future.. 1 or 2 yrs.. no one knows.....
see Bulls, how many yrs they were at the bot--- in the league??
See Clippers?!
Kings is much better than them....
if they may fire Rick Adelman.. then at that moment, Kings will be finished KINGS在重組中我是同意的:)
就算今年佢地拎總冠軍,但無左webber,我都唔會十分高興......... [quote]Originally posted by [i]科[/i] at 2005-2-25 12:15 AM:
就算今年佢地拎總冠軍,但無左webber,我都唔會十分高興......... [/quote]
me2, 我考慮過檔做 76人 or suns 0既 fans,
看番之前的 viedo, 發覺令我著迷的 kings 已人面全非,
原來的陣容只剩 peja。
[[i] Last edited by kakueeken on 2005-2-25 at 01:28 AM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]kakueeken[/i] at 2005-2-25 01:02 AM:
me2, 我考慮過檔做 76人 or suns 0既 fans,
看番之前的 viedo, 發覺令我著迷的 kings 已人面全非,
原來的陣容只剩 peja。
[[i] Last edited by kakueeken on 2005-2-25 at 01:28 AM [/i]] [/quote]
確實kings既強隊之名已經終結,係全盛果年羅唔到總冠軍就注定有今日(不過估唔到係今季),因為講真今季中段打得幾好,可以叫做中興時期,雖然冠軍就難架啦,不過入到Playoff一切都係未知之數。唔明kings高層點解要咁做,Peja同webber真係不和? 其實 mobley 轉會之後, 我真係覺得 kings 是有機會挑戰冠軍, 或者話有一定機會入西岸決賽。在西岸中, 真正一支獨秀的只是 spurs,我覺得 kings 面對suns, seattle, dallas, rockets 都有機會勝出。點解唔等埋今季先換人呢? 唉............. if u were in management team, you would know..
for example, if Peja is really upset about what's happened now.
then you would try your best to keep Peja......
you may be wonder why I don't support Webber...
think deeply, this player in injruy-plauged......
and when he came back from injury... he was not the players he was... and a big contract too...
look at Penny before?!!!
or LJ?!
the stats was shown they were "ok" as the first season after they got injury.
but as the management forsee their future, LJ and Penny were traded and they performance.... .... =(
Chris Webber would be the same case too.....
and he's in courts so many yrs in these 3 or 4 yrs in Kings...
so it won't be a surpirsed if Kings would trade Webber 老實講, 我同意 kings 要增強實力, trade 走 webber 係必需的。 換人唔係大問題, 但點解呢3個球員都要換先係問題。而家3名換來0既球員, 可以增強到球隊最需要0既rebound & low post 攻擊? 如果唔得點解要換人?如果唔係 kings 班高層食錯藥, peja 可能係唯一原因, 唉.........
早前我聽過 kings 會送webber 去 ny換 kurt thomas,我覺得反而可以一試。 甚至乎, 你衰極都搵一個雲漢, 或者可以有實力打正選大前鋒0既人ah。而家songalia / k.thomas 之中揀一個打正選, 我都唔知點揀。