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kakueeken 發表於 2005-2-25 11:15 AM


係唔係因為spurs 太低調沉實?點解無人講馬刺單交易?事實上呢支開季到而家成績最好0既球隊都好少人講, suns / rockets/ lakers/ nets 等球隊都比他們更受關注。我覺得交易後, 今年0既冠軍唔駛估, 一定係spurs, 因為它係一支無弱點0既球隊。

The Knicks would send starting center Nazr Mohammed and backup point guard Jamison Brewer to the Spurs for Rose and the two picks, a first-round choice in 2005 that originally belonged to the Suns, and the Spurs' No. 1 pick in 2006.

Nazr Mohammed 今季的成績是10.8分8.1個籃板, 我覺得他打正選可能比Nesterovic 好。不過無論點排, spurs 0既正選選後備都好強, 攻守兼備, 內外兼修, 快攻&半場都難唔到他們。你可以在 nba 找到一隊比他們更好的球隊嗎?

brightlee 發表於 2005-2-25 11:36 AM

yes, of cos the trade .. which could make Spurs would be stronger and stronger...
but remember.... Ball game is ball game....

I remember in 1991, everyone predict Blazers would win the NBA title..
but the results, they were losing to Lakers in Conference final

Then Bull won the championship that yr... and that's the starting for Bulls' Dynasty

brightlee 發表於 2005-2-25 11:43 AM

or another example, in 1994, Soncis was the first seeds, and the best in the league in playoffs...
Gary Payton, Sam Perkins, Ricky Pierce, Kendill Kill, Shawn Kemp, Delef, Micahel Cage....

They should be unstoppable...

But what's happened? they lost to Nuggets in 5 game-series

NBA.. really unlike soccer in league... Playoff could be another new stories..

Like Rockets won it in 95 with 6th seeds,
Warriors won it as in league record 48-34
Blazers won it in similar record too.

Ticat 發表於 2005-2-25 11:51 AM

i have to agree here .... Spurs has a really strong starter and bunch as well, maybe because their style not excite as others team  ( like Suns, Heat ) so ppl dont really talk about them
but look at the West right now ... Suns, Rockets will put up a good fight with them for sure, so i wont really say they will take West for sure, like bro Brightlee said, playoff in NBA ... u never know .... remember couple yrs ago .... everyone say Kings going to take it ... then ... Webber got inj ...

kakueeken 發表於 2005-2-26 12:45 AM

spurs 比果陣0既 kings or dallas 強得多。 第一duncan 已經帶領球隊2次奪標, 而家呢個陣容都夾左一段日子, 唔似 suns or seattle 咁新埋理 or 無經驗; 第二 spurs 防守係nba 最好, 比上屆冠軍0既失分仲要少。spurs 穩奪錦標絕不是 "紙上談兵", 除非 duncan 真的在 playoff 時傷出 la。

[[i] Last edited by kakueeken on 2005-2-26 at 12:48 AM [/i]]

kakueeken 發表於 2005-2-26 12:54 AM

或者換過角度看, new york 換走 Nazr Mohammed 明智嗎? 至少他是一個稱職0既中鋒, 遲d 你未必搵到 ga。雖然話有2個 1st round pick, 但一個係 suns (2005), 另一個係 spurs (2006), 依呢2隊0既成績看,我覺得唔會點賺。ROSE 來投, 看來 kurt thomas 又會俾人推上去打中鋒, 唉........

[[i] Last edited by kakueeken on 2005-2-26 at 12:59 AM [/i]]

brightlee 發表於 2005-2-26 07:33 AM

hai... as I said ....  you would never know it.......
Indiana was the best seeds last yr.. they got experience.......... Reggie Miller, J O"Neal, Tinsley......etc.. they were in NBA finals in 2000, right?!
they were in a lot of playoffs, right?!
They supposed to be the best team right?! 62-20 in league..
but they lost to Detroit Pistons in Conference Finals....
rememeber.. in Detroit, only Larry Brown (their head coach were in there) were in NBA finals before.....
so... the player never has experience.. or as u said a better record.....
but Pistons won it.....!!!

Remember Kings, Blazers were nearly kill Lakers before in West in last 4 yrs? they were stronger than Lakers..... (I am sure a lot of people are raising up their hands!)

But the results were..........

I am not saying Spurs should be the strongest on papers... or in regular seasons....

But you may never know what's happen in playoffs.. that's another stories.........

1977 finals, Blazers was weak (West, 3rd seeds)7th season in NBA, 76ers was better (East, top seeds)...... and Dr. J was in 76ers, everyone expect 76ers would win in finals, but then? Blazers won 4-2 as they lost first 2 games (no one got injured in the playoffs)

Remember I am not trying to arguing with you.. but Playoffs, could be another factors.. and a new stories.. you should know a lot in West these few yrs.....

so I just remind that don't say "I am sure who will win"
before the last season, everyone expect Lakers would win the champion.. but then, injury, kill them.... (Kobe, Shaq and Gary Payton didn't hurt in playoffs)

so you may never know about the injury, team formation, team chemistry or a good/bad playoff series.... Indiana didn't get any injruy in East last yr, even in playoffs, they got 3 pts, they got defense, they got height in East..
but Detroit won in East.... !!!!

to be honest, I got no idea why NY got that trade.... and NY would get more payment after these trade (also with M Taylor)
and see, Taylor, Rose, K Thomas are similar types of players.. I don't know Isiah Thomas is thinking.........
Herb Williams would be in troubles

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