而曼聯的青訓教練亦表示,十六歲的施拿是歐洲球壇中,同年紀最出色的一員。 希望佢真係有料,可以成為曼聯一個穩陣既最後防線。 十六歲??? [quote]Originally posted by [i]kakueeken[/i] at 2005-2-27 12:52 AM:
十六歲??? [/quote]
yo~~really 16 yrs old
[url]http://www.manutd.com/news/fullstory.sps?iNewsid=154229&itype=466&icategoryid=120[/url] 佢又買o的甘既人呀???????(哩友我玩winning就買過!)
唉.....睇佢班波幾時死!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! simple, remember the new rules for the UEFA??
next season, everyteam should have at least 4 players .. that should be trained by own team...... I am tryign to say.. 4 of them should be trained before under 17 youth team....
i..e "more local"
that's why Sir Alex buy him before 17 yr old... so he could put him on the bench.. to be 1/25 players in team squad The new rules are 2 players trained at the club between 15 and 21, plus another 2 trained in the same national association. Our squad as it is already means the requirements. The only teams that do not meet the requirements are Arsenal, Chelsea, Celtic, Rangers and Ajax. 咁咪又係要等,曼聯好似買左好多呢D球員啦喎。注重下即戰力好喎。