我覺得曲唔係差 詞就好唔掂咩咩 做隻貓 做隻狗 不做情人 我一向唔聽廣東歌...質素差到嘔...歌就一般(曲真的不錯~詞就...) ~歌手又....唉/^ag7n'm NY-Lzn ?
好似求其係街汁件蛋散上台唱歌咁..= =%w!\Hiap
so..我now都只聽日本的~零願麻煩一點去看歌詞(日本的歌詞很有意思)~好過聽 hk 的 香港無樂壇...淨係得班小丑坤細路錢... Just Like A Copycat~:i4uy8E&UT)o+Ej/FU
Jap 有早晨娘~HK 出個Cookies
US 有Evanescence~HK 就出個Ping pingcQg\E[8jx
3y9}(B;y }r
真係比人笑到臉都黃 [quote]Originally posted by [i]drunknmunky911[/i] at 2005-2-27 02:08 PM:
Just Like A Copycat~V/~\ eY6~!y
Jap 有早晨娘~HK 出個Cookiesz/m{5?h+XDaU
US 有Evanescence~HK 就出個Ping ping
真係比人笑到臉都黃 [/quote]
我都有同感~!! Cookies 之前一組就組九個人...但好似冇個唱得咁 ~抄晒Morning娘 oiG8Ph
但Morning 有實力好多 (雖然並唔係個個都一定唱得掂..但話晒都係選出黎)1fC}8oc @
仲有呀...HK果個咩e-kid (忘了名啦==) 我feel係想抄w-inds.. When u guys are blaming the songs are too commerical... think deeply.. who makes this??
Who would be listening one style, only "love" songs?
I was growing up in 80s to 90s,-I'YN%{$f
When I was in 80s, there were so many good singers, (well, look at Paula Tsui, Sam Hui... when they say, they would like to go back to music media, how many people are having "hope" for them?
There are several ways that .. the musics are going backwards
1) I explained in other post before, which is talking about singers. Who is a real singer in reality nowadays? (I mean.. how many of them, they could sing it well?! pls don't say to me the answer is Twins. Thanks)
2) Karaoke, you may be surprising, but this it truth..j{6ld Q&W3G9~
When you look back the time track, the Karaoke is started in around 1990s, see, the singers of that generation, starting to going downwards.... cos if one song would like to be popular, easy lyrics, easy melody, people could sing it easily in Karaoke.....j+hWZ-O
3) Laziest for OUR Cantonese people
Give you an example, when we sing songs, (think it in your heart deeply) do you real the lyrics, and find out what's that means?
more than 99%, including me, never think about it.. just think the songs get a good "feel" then sing it.. and love it...
4) Can't accpet another types of songs except "love"
In 70s and 80s, even in 90s, some songs... were talking about love in family, school, friends, but nowadays, do you think about your family so deep? do you think about your schoolmates deeply? would you think and sing with your real friends?c o/T7G-c])fc4s
Seems getting less and less.. and just thinking love from "boys and girls" are more important than everything
Give you an example, "friends" from Alan Tam, this song is about 20 years ago, I am seriously talking about, 20 years ago, but how many songs are talking friendship, which could be popular in this 20 yrs? Not much... (at least I could remember in my memories)1]:DU*_J#h op T
H(?;y2}O;v J
I think it's a good time to think back about our life.
If you are blaming the lyrics, singers are not that good.. 1|9hKm QR]m
We are the cus---ers.............. of the music media... we choose the songs... then why we don't upgrade ourself first, to let singers to know what types of songs we would like to listen?C!GTD\YDf1z
v~D7]"r(P C1e-|
"g;k v ee)FcZ1VO ~/Q
[[i] Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-2-27 at 11:06 PM [/i]] **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** FIR is copy Japan's Do As Infinity i think~ or Globe 我覺得係唔係 copy 日本或外國唔係咁重要, 音樂這家野唔多唔少會互相參考!,IwouN
最重要本身音樂質素, 做得好自然有人喜歡
可惜香港所謂樂壇唔多重視音樂, 注重外表多.......
你睇d 留言板講 cookies 多數媽媽聲3pxrxV'}9[
講 FIR 就話唱得好聽4AWn&Y2EU's*`
呢d 咪香港槳壇囉 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 我聽呢d 歌, 多數只聽音樂, 不聽歌詞.BP$hP y
so 我覺得d cd 應該出多d 純音樂版 [quote]Originally posted by [i]KrisX[/i] at 2005-2-27 08:12 PM:
我聽呢d 歌, 多數只聽音樂, 不聽歌詞. P"@K8e L4wF
so 我覺得d cd 應該出多d 純音樂版 [/quote]
又係呀~我聽 hk既 聽完就算..唔會理歌詞...更何況佢差在冇"Instrumenta" B4OO-pu*m)@ N
K5Vk,eO YGZ*_N
(若有講錯sry先) [quote]Originally posted by [i]drunknmunky911[/i] at 2005-2-27 02:08 PM:zn;Y!M op3T
Just Like A Copycat~LsA U]
Jap 有早晨娘~HK 出個Cookies
US 有Evanescence~HK 就出個Ping ping
真係比人笑到臉都黃 [/quote]M|+G]W A-gb efR
Z ?_ B@&u
講咩新4大天皇鴉,自己Star East 又做o吾起摺鬼左.......
歌手又要睇晒無線頭,又o吾敢得罪佢仲成日要做D唱歌以外的JOB... rY}})Vl!y1_ bK3[s
F.I.R 都lose 比垃圾Twins:mad::mad:仲有咩好Say!!!F!|3v&CFux
But 廣東話發音實在太平實,沒有高低起伏5V y;K*@#m6fo
歌手自己又o吾全面,大部份只係o向K場房歌得下就諗住自己好掂,之後入行!,jyG4h j&a!x1`$k F
d/P3i8FP5` St`1\d
唉.......我都無氣Say low:(:( (quote)
But 廣東話發音實在太平實,沒有高低起伏S*_ y;H-m
全世界得廣東話發音有9聲階(同一個字有9個音) CW nd&MmW|ax
一週-令香港新聞界PK D)\}:EFP
英皇-令香港娛樂界PK5G4Y Fn_!T%n;ffsu
梁英-令香港地產界PKeKI+G P px1N
大班-令香港廣播界PKs(w^ j2f(\f?}A
......大x把 (qoute)
K場就係主流,老實講....早前森美小儀的K僅四十D參實者仲唱得好過原唱者-} u:Ra)_+PY"~0BuN
唉.......我都無氣Say low
support and 大x把啦 (quote)
But 廣東話發音實在太平實,沒有高低起伏