kwongt 發表於 2005-3-10 07:39 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-3-10 06:24 PM:
Well, to be honest, I watched Euro 2004, Czech KO them.. so they need to improve again...
they don't have great teens, this may make them in troubles... [/quote]
係80年代德國足球係冇外援, 全土炮....
近年各國聯賽開放, 大量引入外援....導致本土球員少出場機會!
英國, 德國同西班牙都有同樣情況..........
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-10 08:37 PM
Italy gets the same situation....
Well.. also, nowadays, people are not concerning abotu the national games as they were before
kwongt 發表於 2005-3-10 09:24 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-3-10 08:37 PM:
Italy gets the same situation....
Well.. also, nowadays, people are not concerning abotu the national games as they were before [/quote]
國家隊都開始喇....巴西隊跟nike簽既合約係巴西隊每年要去唔同地方作表演賽promote nike....
球員係球會, 商業贊助賺太多錢喇....國家隊比賽對球員黎講已經成為次要.....
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-10 10:03 PM
yes, that's why international games.. it's seems getting less important..
same as Davis Cup/ ATP Tours
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-10 10:04 PM
I mean in Tennis, Davis Cup vs ATP TOURS (or Grand Slam)
kwongt 發表於 2005-3-10 10:10 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-3-10 10:03 PM:
yes, that's why international games.. it's seems getting less important..
same as Davis Cup/ ATP Tours [/quote]
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-10 10:26 PM
Not only him....
if you see some NBA players, you should close your eyes too....!!
do you know Calvin Booth gets nearly $8 or $9 millions?!
(well hardly play in the game, injury in all last season)
Brown is not the expansive one.....
if you think about Ole, he got injury for 2 years, and he should get the payments, you should shack your head.....
kwongt 發表於 2005-3-10 11:26 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-3-10 10:26 PM:
Not only him....
if you see some NBA players, you should close your eyes too....!!
do you know Calvin Booth gets nearly $8 or $9 millions?!
(well hardly play in the game, injury in all last sea ... [/quote]
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-10 11:43 PM
well, in someway, they have have some long contracts!
to protect their career, they are not liking you and me.. when they finish his sporting career, he maybe retired.. and hardly to find job (I am seriously talking about it)
Yes, the quality in NBA is going downwards.
iif you see NBA iin starting 80s (after revoluation in late 70s), then you could see how professional they are.
you know in 80s or in early 90s, players are respecting they could play All-star, they were not funny to play all-star game
although the defense was a little bit softer than normal, they were concerning during in game..
(sorry Shaqkobe, and hero3, you don't like Kobe to play seriously in all-star, I don't agree with that)
so I think the econmics blown out in soccer is blown out few years ago.. which is good for the players in future.
see, 4 years ago, some bad GK, football clubs might spend 5 millions to buy it...
but did wealth for that?!
kwongt 發表於 2005-3-11 06:57 PM
好懷念80年代celtic對lakers.....larry bird對magic johnson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-13 05:26 PM
yes, also in 80s, Celtics vs Detroit too...
Celitics vs 76ers
Lakers vs Suns.....
Lakers vs Blzers
what a great series in Conference games....
srfqt1 發表於 2005-3-13 05:53 PM
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-13 05:57 PM
big body... good slam dunk skills (bastketball)
smart.. good lookings for soccer (e.g. Beckham... I am not saying he has that great cross..alright!?) but think it deeply in your heart..... does he worth that amount of money...
my friend looked my 1990s NBA all-star games, they opened their eyes when they watched it...
they finally know the real basketball skills..... could be.. liking that...
srfqt1 發表於 2005-3-13 06:02 PM
[[i] Last edited by srfqt1 on 2005-3-13 at 06:16 PM [/i]]
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-13 06:14 PM
absoulety!! Totally agree your points of views....
srfqt1 發表於 2005-3-13 06:19 PM
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-13 06:57 PM
what he's doing nowadays, he could kill his career really soon...
cos every defenders dislike his playing, then slides to him easily
srfqt1 發表於 2005-3-13 07:11 PM
brightlee 發表於 2005-3-13 07:21 PM
We hope he could be ok...
but what he is doing, it could be frustrating his teammates (including Portugese internation team)
srfqt1 發表於 2005-3-13 07:26 PM