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srfqt1 發表於 2005-3-10 10:03 PM

支持一間球會唔係因為成績(特別係對於local fans)

月月鳥 發表於 2005-3-10 10:05 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]srfqt1[/i] at 2005-3-10 22:03:
支持一間球會唔係因為成績(特別係對於local fans)
而係對自己地方的果一種歸屬感 [/quote]

gnat 發表於 2005-3-10 10:06 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]科[/i] at 2005-3-10 22:02:

gnat 不再被cookies美色影響
思維清晰返~即刻多左好分:D [/quote]

yes ar
win x 3 la
but big brother shaqkobe seems forget to add my point in game 10:o

gnat 發表於 2005-3-10 10:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]pakho[/i] at 2005-3-10 21:56:



[[i] Last edited by pakho on 2005-3-10 at 09:59 PM [/i]] [/quote]


hehe...thanks a lot:P

=.=西 發表於 2005-3-10 10:16 PM

其實大家可否於打字時改一改用米蘭or A米 而不用ac
AC = Associazione Calcio,即球會意思。大家用『米蘭』或『AC米蘭』皆可!
咁計04-05意甲有6隊AC 了
AC [b]Milan[/b]   米蘭
[b]Inter[/b] Milan 國際

而且米蘭還有Kaladze 26 歲
今年青年軍升上一隊,被外借的有31名 年紀少於24歲的球員

brightlee 發表於 2005-3-10 10:19 PM

Thierry... well.. I am your teammates in this case?!

gnat 發表於 2005-3-10 10:25 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-3-10 22:19:
Thierry... well.. I am your teammates in this case?!
=p [/quote]

are u chating to me?
yeah...same team same play:D

gnat 發表於 2005-3-10 10:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]=.=西[/i] at 2005-3-10 22:16:
其實大家可否於打字時改一改用米蘭or A米 而不用ac
AC = Associazione Calcio,即球會意思。大家用『米蘭』或『AC米蘭』皆可!
咁計04-05意甲有6隊AC 了
都只不過係打多幾個字,點解大家唔打個正確o既名而要跟大 ... [/quote]

if I type in english most of the time,
can I use AC / Inter then?:P

brightlee 發表於 2005-3-10 10:29 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]gnat[/i] at 2005-3-11 00:26:

if I type in english most of the time,
can I use AC / Inter then?:P [/quote]

Normally, everyone should use AC and Inter to definding this 2 teams......
so.. pls understand we may be confused... if something is really out of our minds....sorry...

qazqazwsxwsx 發表於 2005-3-10 10:38 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]=.=西[/i] at 2005-3-10 10:16 PM:
其實大家可否於打字時改一改用米蘭or A米 而不用ac
AC = Associazione Calcio,即球會意思。大家用『米蘭』或『AC米蘭』皆可!
咁計04-05意甲有6隊AC 了
都只不過係打多幾個字,點解大家唔打個正確o既名而要跟大 ... [/quote]


kyleung 發表於 2005-3-10 10:40 PM

this is AC Milan's fan 既執著
我個 friend 係佢地既fans都話過我
所以我都係叫 A米

pakho 發表於 2005-3-10 10:40 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]qazqazwsxwsx[/i] at 2005-3-10 10:38 PM:

今汁着做咩 [/quote]

Pharaoh 發表於 2005-3-11 12:58 AM

MILAN is the most common name... even in CM/FM!

raven 發表於 2005-3-11 01:13 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]qazqazwsxwsx[/i] at 2005-3-10 10:38 PM:

今汁着做咩 [/quote]

cream 發表於 2005-3-11 08:49 AM

Well..if a team don't use enough "local" player
the problem is it is harder to attract fans from neutral ground in this country..
I am now in UK, so I can say that outside London/Manchester
(neutral ground) there are more Man U fans than Arsenal fans
probably because Man U had more England player traditionally..so
people feel their roots..while Arsenal had too many Frenchmen...
Even Chelsea had the backbone of Lampard and Terry..
though Arsenal actually had Ashely Cole and Campbell..

But as HK people, of coz we won't feel the problem/don't care the problem
of nationality.

=.=西 發表於 2005-3-11 03:33 PM

全世界相信只有香港人才會將AC Milan 講做AC ,呢個係傳媒渲染o既錯
我之前都Bold 左 AC [b]米蘭Milan[/b] 和 [b]國際Inter[/b] Milan
  呢個係對球會o既尊重, milan 同ac ,都係差3個字o者 ,打多三個字好難為你地咩
如果唔從小數改起, "AC"就會同"病人膏肓([b]盲[/b])"一樣咁不斷錯落去

  如果你離開香港,到世界任何地方,那裡都是用 米蘭 or Milan 的
你一定不會找到只有AC 兩字
呢個係人o既姓和名的分別 ,我無權叫你地改,不過你鐘意繼續錯落去我阻你唔到。

我見到ent fun入面都有好多人都用A米,米蘭的

月月鳥 發表於 2005-3-11 08:58 PM

so u should know all names

月月鳥 發表於 2005-3-11 09:06 PM


(1) 朗拿甸奴作客對車仔企定拉弓射成2-3的金球   
(2) 查斯古特主場對皇馬的倒掛
(3) 亨利主場對拜仁的左腳掛網
(4) 基斯普主場對曼聯的笠頂

srfqt1 發表於 2005-3-11 09:38 PM


月月鳥 發表於 2005-3-11 09:51 PM

[color=Maroon][size=4] or
剛[b]愎[/b][音big]自用   錯變成   剛[b]復[/b]自用[/size][/color]

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