whole season include playoff!! Ron can't play for Indiana!! 去到季後賽應該有得打架。好似都冇得打架
[quote]Originally posted by [i]yuripenny[/i] at 2005-3-10 08:30 PM:[/quote]
我記得果時話只係剩餘既幾十場常規賽停賽罷了。D隊友仲話要加油入到playoff等佢復出。 Yes, because David Stern just band him for season ONLY,
Playoff is another story. **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2005-3-10 08:48 PM:
如果有,哪罰質就未免太輕了,而且處罰目的--阻嚇球員的作用也不夠強 [/quote]
對住溜馬咪唔夠強囉,無左阿達斯入playoff都應該無大問題,不過如果係其他球隊,差一個主力既話就係大懲罰。 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 唔比呀...停成季呀...nba講左啦~ sorry my mistakes....
here is the news from NBA talking about the suspension on Artest
"The NBA cleared Artest to resume practicing with the Pacers, and Monday was his first day back since the Nov. 19 incident in Detroit that led to his suspension for the rest of the regular season and playoffs. In the interim, he had been working out either on his own or in individual sessions with members of the coaching staff." 24 Jan 2005 [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-3-10 10:10 PM:
sorry my mistakes....
here is the news from NBA talking about the suspension on Artest
"The NBA cleared Artest to resume practicing with the Pacers, and Monday was his first day back si ... [/quote]
e!一開始唔係咁判架喎?今次先係最後判決?O.東岸冠軍不出熱火同活塞之爭lu。:D yes, I think they nmght change this penalty after J O'Neal and Jackson decrease their penalties in court.... 我覺得太嚴
when j.o and s.j were only suspent like 10 (15?)games and 30 games yes, its a bit too harsh .... but when u think about his Rep. along his career ..... ppl might make it a bit too serious when u have a bad rep. harsh is good
that was very serious matter
can't tol. any of that crap [quote]Originally posted by [i]shaqkobe[/i] at 2005-3-10 09:16 PM:
對住溜馬咪唔夠強囉,無左阿達斯入playoff都應該無大問題,不過如果係其他球隊,差一個主力既話就係大懲罰。 [/quote]
agree~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]fung0109[/i] at 2005-3-10 09:50 PM:
唔比呀...停成季呀...nba講左啦~ [/quote]
sure? 睇黎各有各不同喎~~~有冇d肯定d的answer?