高手門~我次次都係download完d電腦 game之後,佢又無exe file裝唔到但係用alcohol 120%又無file可以放入去比我裝...
唔知點搞,有無人可以幫幫我呀>o< 咁你 download 左果一隻 game 係乜野 file extension 架? 是否壓縮文件?(如果是, 不要用WINRAR把文件解壓) [quote]Originally posted by [i]lijinwei[/i] at 2005-3-17 12:26 AM:
是否壓縮文件?(如果是, 不要用WINRAR把文件解壓) [/quote]
用zip? 我解左壓之後唔知點解都係同未解之前一樣...都係一d zip左既file...
同迷我想問,如果解左壓之後我點先可以用alcohol 120%燒???真係唔識呀>o<
好想玩winning8~有無人幫到我呀>o< some of the rar file cannot be opened by winrar
it is not a zipped file instead
you should directly open them under alcohol 120%
it would directly map your file as a virtual drive
then the autorun will be executed and you can play it at that moment
It is my experience on those game files...esp for those PRC ones 英文唔係太明=.=