我而家用緊既係LG 8120 既3G 手提 我映左D短片但係入左落個電腦之後睇唔返~可唔可以搵個大佬教下我可以點做呀~我有勁珍貴短片係入便呀~唔該~ 你有冇用佢比你個隻碟裝晒3樣啊,其中有一樣係比你體野架 you may use Real Player to open the file , file type is 3GPP , normal Windows Media Player can't do it ; i use Real One Player okG{XeZm pA4j8EA4|r}%qa
sure you need to install the given installation disc ; O5NT$i#K!G8k5X'A L
- use 'Phone Manager' for linking & transferring files ;
- use 'Media Player' to watch files ;$ym4I8u1MU,Fd
- 'LG Sync Manager' is no use actually^E3H D7y4yr&Q&N