**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 教我點投票 靚女都比人溝哂 ;) no money should be the most important reasonif you have money, the other elements or reasons are not important any more
(no matter if you are handsome or not) 係未拍拖定無拍過拖-_-9@j"IDx+a(qi0v&h5[
...o岩o岩散.. no money...... 8Q,]~u/x:u
if u r good enough ... she will pay $$$ for u ga la ~~ hahahah ^o^ 成日都覺得
『邊溝到丫~係都未到我啦』 我係覺得未遇到個真係鐘意又好GA JA喎 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** Have no money is not the main point at all.
- If the girl really likes you, she won't mind to be with you even you dont' have money.QC1pQ_T
- Even you have money doesn't mean that girls will like you.
- If the girl wants to be with you just because you have money, that means she doesn't like you personally and she just like your money. What's the point to like a girl who are interested in you money but not you. 其實睇下係咪認真拍拖啦,有錢的話,又想玩下几話,基本上都唔晒驚無女..... 出到去食好几買好几,大把人癡埋黎啦. 講真,要慍個真係鐘意几都幾難...... 多個原因都岩wor....... i didn't check one, coz I got all of them....... 煩,冇咩私人時間,so除非好o岩先會溝 應該指明係"男人"因為內容都係男揀既 [img]http://k43.pbase.com/u36/mikaeru/upload/32219935.04060410182846908.jpg[/img] 曾經滄海唔想再諗啦! 直覺覺得唔會有女仔鍾意自己,因為外在美又無,內在美又無。 自問好專一~等一生一世出現 money is important...