唔通佢地打team work? [quote]Originally posted by [i]waithung[/i] at 2005-3-29 12:48 PM:唔通佢地打team work? [/quote]
其實踢波唔係淨係打球星, 可能有d球員實而不華o麻~~~
而且又好似係咁講, teamwork都係踢波一樣重要因素~~~
比你就算成隊波都係球星, 但個個獨食到死都冇用啦, 係咪先~~~ Traditionally, N. American Continent, esp. US & Canada, pay less attention to football/soccer. Take the American as example, they think soccer(they've their own "football") as kids' or women game. Most of the population, except the Ladino/Hispanic, even don't know what's soccer!:D This make the Mexican as No.1 in this region!