Subsequent to the news bulletins made public earlier today, on tv stations and on the on-line versions of some news papers, concerning the alleged detention of Cristiano Ronaldo in Manchester for police questioning in an ongoing investigation into an alleged rape, the following must be made public: - First and foremost, the detention for questioning that the media have referred is a formality of British Law that does not exist as such in Portuguese law. The truth is that Cristiano Ronaldo had already agreed with the police authorities to be questioned on this matter today and for such purpose went to the police precinct of his own free will. - In fact, since the events under investigation supposedly took place on October 2nd, the amount of time that has lapsed since such date clearly demonstrates that today’s questioning is hardly an extraordinary or urgent measure and is in fact a common step in the ongoing investigations. - In relation to the matter under investigation, the accusation of rape that has been made against Cristiano Ronaldo is totally and categorically repudiated. As the investigations will demonstrate, these charges are not based on any credible facts and are clearly the product of the imagination and fantasy of the young lady, in an attempt to profit by dropping the charges in exchange for a considerable sum; - Symptomatic of the above is the fact that the young ladies involved only brought charges after their attempts to sell their story to British newspapers failed; - Equally relevant is the fact that these charges were initially made by two young ladies, one of whom has already dropped charges, for no compensation whatsoever, due to the blatantly obvious lack of grounds. In any event, it should be additionally stated that the player’s lawyers entrusted with this matter, James Chapman e Carlos Osório de Castro, have been instructed not only to accompany the proceedings but also to legally react against any abusive attempt to profit from this matter. 【明報專訊】曼聯(相關新聞 - 網站)球星基斯坦奴朗拿度(C朗拿度)所牽涉的強姦案昨天有新進展,有報章披露該葡萄牙國腳向警方承認曾與兩位女原告人發生性關係,但她們都出於自願。
廣 告
(星島日報報道)曼聯(相關新聞 - 網站)葡萄牙國腳C朗拿度上周中因涉嫌強姦案遭傳媒大事報道,英國《世界新聞報》更把事情的發生時間和經過詳細列舉出來。從傳媒報道中不難發現,C朗拿度在事件發生之初處於被動,明顯是受到涉案女子的勾引。據報C朗拿度在十月一日助曼聯以三比二擊敗富咸後,晚上約同表哥一起到酒店的酒吧消遣,期間兩名穿性感的女子主動上前向C朗拿度等人搭訕。目擊者梅爾澤透露,該兩女子在C朗拿度等人到達前,已先後主動與多名男子搭訕。梅爾澤指出﹕「當時的情況很明顯,那兩個女孩想和他上,不是他而是他們。」從目擊者的說話中,證明C朗拿度在事件的角色很被動,是兩名女子主動要認識和接觸他。
再者,C朗拿度雖然在事後向警方承認,曾經與涉案女子發生性關係,但他強調是在雙方同意的情況下發生性行為。一名莫維達會所員工透露﹕「兩個女孩看起來都很開心,我記得他們是一同離開,離開時兩個女孩還在不斷大笑。」 c7係比人屈,我信佢唔會強姦!!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2005-10-24 10:48 AM:
c7係比人屈,我信佢唔會強姦!!! [/quote]
我都唔信.......:o 車仔失分^^
everton係時候反彈 [quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2005-10-24 09:56 AM:
[b][color=Red]加沙開大水喉為曼聯增... [/quote]
一早就要la..... [quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2005-10-24 09:58 AM:
[color=Red][b]曼聯內亂費爺萌去意[/b... [/quote]
整返場farewell,告別alex [quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2005-10-24 09:58 AM:
[/b... [/quote]
-.-?? [quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-10-24 01:35 PM:
一早就要la..... [/quote]
次次都係咁講,都唔知真定假 [color=Red][b]細哨希望係英超發展(細哨加盟巴塞唔加盟曼聯既原因)[/b][/color]
「我在小時候已經希望可以在魯營球場比賽,那是世界上其中一個最宏偉的球場。」 [size=5][color=Red][b]曼聯對熱刺[/b][/color][/size] [size=5][color=Red][b]曼聯對熱刺[/b][/color][/size] [size=5][color=Red][b]曼聯對熱刺[/b][/color][/size] [size=5][color=Red][b]ManUtd Trainning[/b][/color][/size] [size=5][color=Red][b]ManUtd Trainning[/b][/color][/size] [size=5][color=Red][b]ManUtd Trainning[/b][/color][/size] 靚相
c7係無辜的~!!! 尋日睇有線, 有啲咩英超小貼士
原來有一場仲有十分鐘完場傑斯傷出, 之後換人,
wow wow 即星仔做左10分鐘曼聯隊長
全亞洲第一個人做曼聯隊長....真威 好似係之前對里爾果場呀嘛~