[News]L.米 拿 將 離 紅 魔 轉 戰 列 斯
source:macauslot據 聞 曼 聯 的 中 場 球 員 L.米 拿 將 於 短 期 內 離 開 奧 脫 福 球 場 ,以 外 借 的 形 式 轉 到 列 斯 聯 發 展 。
現 年 24歲 的 L.米 拿 於 2004年 由 些 路 迪 轉 投 紅 魔 鬼 的 懷 抱 ,可 惜 至 今 僅 獲 得 11次 正 選 上 陣 的 機 會 。 L.米 拿 亦 是 曼 聯 隊 長 堅 尼 於 較 早 前 在 電 視 上 公 開 點 名 批 評 的 其 中 一 名 球 員 。
此 外 ,據 稱 曼 聯 的 多 名 球 星 將 於 週 日 對 戰 車 路 士 前 向 堅 尼 正 式 攤 牌 ,以 對 其 於 早 前 的 公 開 批 評 表 示 不 滿 。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-11-4 05:38 PM:
[color=Red]此 外 ,據 稱 曼 聯 的 多 名 球 星 將 於 週 日 對 戰 車 路 士 前 向 堅 尼 正 式 攤 牌 ,以 對 其 於 早 前 的 公 開 批 評 表 示 不 滿 。[/color][/quote]
洗唔洗丫.......:o I support!!!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-11-4 05:38 PM:
此 外 ,據 稱 曼 聯 的 多 名 球 星 將 於 週 日 對 戰 車 路 士 前 向 堅 尼 正 式 攤 牌 ,以 對 其 於 早 前 的 公 開 批 評 表 示 不 滿 。[/quote]
自己唔掂就自然有人話,玩攤牌就即係唔接受批抨...呢d人賣左佢啦 [quote]Originally posted by [i]skjeiw[/i] at 2005-11-4 06:52 PM:
自己唔掂就自然有人話,玩攤牌就即係唔接受批抨...呢d人賣左佢啦 [/quote]
堅尼咁既地位都有人同佢攤牌.........= =" [quote]Originally posted by [i]abc123aa[/i] at 2005-11-4 06:57 PM:
堅尼咁既地位都有人同佢攤牌.........= =" [/quote]
費 Sir 播放堅尼果個 Video 比班球員睇
[img]http://images.thesun.co.uk/picture/0,,2005510553,00.jpg[/img] [quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-11-4 07:15 PM:[img]http://images.thesun.co.uk/picture/0,,2005510553,00.jpg[/img] [/quote]
咁費sir係要激d球員都無辦法 [quote]Originally posted by [i]skjeiw[/i] at 2005-11-4 07:21 PM:
咁費sir係要激d球員都無辦法 [/quote]
Solskjaer's Christmas TargetOle Gunnar Solskjaer is eyeing the perfect Christmas present, a long-awaited return to the United first team.
The Norwegian has missed much of the past two seasons with a serious knee injury and has recently suffered a number of false dawns in the fight to restart his career. However, he remains positive that a return is not far away and says he is "feeling good at the moment".
"I can see my final goal and am just pushing myself towards it," Solskjaer told United magazine.
"I have learned from experience not to put a date on my return, but I'm hoping to be back playing in the first team some time around Christmas, so I obviously I hope to be in full training well before then.
"I'm just taking it one day at a time. One day it might be a bit sore, but the next day I feel great again, so you just have to take it as you go really."
Having missed so much football over the past two years his recent setback came as huge disappointment. He says that he took the blow harder than hearing the news that he'd be out for a year.
"Mentally you're thinking, 'I could have been back playing now.' But then you snap out of it and focus on a new goal, and that's all you can do, keep working towards your next target."
Ole Gunnar's next target is to leave his work in the gym behind and return to training with his team-mates. Reserve team football will follow and then he'll be ready for what he's dreamed of since first sustaining the injury.
"It'll mean everything to me to wear that red shirt again," says the Norwegian.
"That's all that matters to me. And I have seen myself playing again on many nights... but then I wake up."
Solskjaer last turned out for the Reds in 2004, as a substitute in the FA Cup final against Millwall. Everyone at United hopes his next appearance will arrive before 2005 is over.
[color=Red]van Nistelrooy[/color]
[[i] Last edited by 瑞比 on 2005-11-4 at 07:40 PM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-11-4 07:37 PM:
Solskjaer's Christmas Target
... [/quote]
等你好耐:( [quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-11-4 07:37 PM:
Solskjaer's Christmas Target
... [/quote]
唔知幾時可以出呢 [quote]Originally posted by [i]abc123aa[/i] at 2005-11-4 07:47 PM:
唔知幾時可以出呢 [/quote]
應該12月尾or1月頭.. [quote]Originally posted by [i]瑞比[/i] at 2005-11-4 08:06 PM:
應該12月尾or1月頭.. [/quote]
哦,期待~:o **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote]Originally posted by [i]SEEK[/i] at 2005-11-4 08:20 PM:
[b][size=4][color=Blue]蘇斯克查復出唔後對佢太大期望,話晒佢都成兩年冇踢過波![/color][/size][/b] [/quote]
起碼依家曼聯都叫做多返個人用下......:o 蘇斯查查出番黎希望可以....踢得好d...幫下曼聯.
雲尼斯特羅:暗示堅尼批曼聯有道理 直言紅魔已不如車路士
對於堅尼的炮轟錄像,雲尼斯特羅表示,“很高興有人能說出他的想法,這說明他還在乎俱樂部。一旦批評來臨,你可以爭論,也可以仔細想想,並分析一下原因。”(PIPPO) 雲佬講得o岩