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迷途小羔羊 發表於 2006-6-14 11:53 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]arthur8088[/i] at 2006-6-14 07:17 PM:

yeh...you reminded me that Ri... [/quote]
Carrick, Diarra are not likely to come as Sir Alex seems not willing to pay much for them....
at this moment, i cannot really guess who Alex will sign><"

迷途小羔羊 發表於 2006-6-14 11:54 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Tinghey[/i] at 2006-6-14 11:47 PM:
[font=Courier New][size=4][color=Re... [/quote]
Daily Star??邊度既報紙?

buengland 發表於 2006-6-15 10:17 AM


費sir 話一切會係世界盃之後落實


又會吾會踢完世界盃之後啲勁人起晒價, 又或俾皇馬, 車仔, ac, etcetcetc 搶左

又或者又一次出價太底, 無晒啲心頭好???????????????????????????

迷途小羔羊 發表於 2006-6-15 03:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]buengland[/i] at 2006-6-15 10:17 AM:

費sir 話一切會係世界盃... [/quote]

szeto 發表於 2006-6-15 06:19 PM









szeto 發表於 2006-6-15 06:21 PM



kakeidevil 發表於 2006-6-15 09:34 PM

結果30分鐘後, "朗尼"通過檢查, 不過問題係無人肯係檢查報告上簽名,
"爵爺"同"基爾"就表示"朗尼"尚未完全康復, 不應該跟隨大隊出發,
最後當事人"朗尼"喊晒口同"爵爺講~我想踢, 加上FIFA軍醫表示"朗尼"的確通過體檢,
可以上機...... "爵爺"最後唯有放人,
不過消息指出"爵爺"就好不滿"朗尼仔"咁唔聽話, 而且表明如果"朗尼仔"有咩事,

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-6-15 09:36 PM


最 近 一 段 時 間 ,雖 然 不 斷 有 消 息 傳 出 華 倫 西 亞 希 望 羅 致 葡 萄 牙 國 腳 C.朗 拿 度 ,不 過 C.朗 拿 度 表 示 會 於 奧 脫 福 繼 續 自 己 的 球 員 生 涯 。

該名 前 士 砵 亭 球 星 承 認 受 到 華 倫 西 亞 的 垂 青 感 到 非 常 高 興 ,不 過 他 來 季 的 目 標 是 協 助曼 聯 重 拾 輝 煌 。 C.朗 拿 度 對 英 國 太 陽 報 表 示 :「 曼 聯 對 我 非 常 重 要 ,雖 然 傳 聞 的 出 現表 示 我 的 工 作 受 到 認 同 而 且 受 人 所 喜 愛 ,但 我 相 信 我 還 可 取 得 進 步 ,並 幫 助 球 隊 奪 取錦 標 贏 取 榮 譽 。 」

與 此 同 時 ,C.朗 拿 度 表 示 自 己 在 曼 聯 雖 然 慣 常 出 現 在 翼 鋒 的 位 置 ,不 過 他 同 時 表 示 希 望 自 己 的 位 置 能 夠 推 得 更 前 。

他續 說 :「 我 習 慣 出 任 左 右 兩 翼 的 位 置 ,但 我 更 希 望 於 前 場 出 任 自 由 人 的 角 色 ,相 當 於第 二 射 手 的 位 置 。 不 過 在 曼 聯 我 並 沒 有 機 會 打 這 些 位 置 ,皆 因 這 些 位 置 已 有 一 些 非常 出 色 的 球 員 。 」

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-6-15 09:36 PM

曼聯提出1000萬英鎊收購熱刺中場球員"卡域克", 雖然熱刺方面經已提出除非曼聯出價2000萬鎊, 如果唔係就休想帶到奧脫福.
不過曼聯方面經已再次向熱刺方面提出, 可以將收購金額提高.

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-6-15 09:37 PM

不過"爵爺"似乎未死心, 表示經已再次向熱刺出手,

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-6-15 09:38 PM

Tottenham resigned to losing Carrick

Manchester United were on the point of completing the signing of Michael Carrick last night after submitting an improved offer of £15 million to Tottenham.

The Spurs chairman, Daniel Levy, had fiercely resisted the sale of a man his manager, Martin Jol, said he could not afford to lose. However, despite a last-ditch attempt to offer the 24-year-old improved terms on a contract that still has two years to run, the board at White Hart Lane now accept he will almost certainly leave for Old Trafford.

Levy's anger will be soothed by the realisation that his club will make a profit of more than £12 million on a player signed from West Ham less than two years ago.

Before United submitted an offer they probably knew Tottenham could not turn down, Jol attempted to put pressure on Carrick by saying in a radio interview that he owed the club another season. "Michael knows that when he came to our club Pedro Mendes was playing in his position and Mendes is a terrific player but I made a choice for Michael. He made progress so he owes the club."

There is a certain irony that the deal neared acceptance on the day Roy Keane announced his retirement from football. Finding a replacement for his greatest captain has been the most significant failing of Sir Alex Ferguson's transfer policy in recent years.

The faith that the Manchester United manager invested in Kleberson, who won a World Cup with Brazil but few friends at Old Trafford, and Eric Djemba-Djemba proved badly misplaced. In the end, Ferguson was forced to employ Alan Smith; a man he said should only ever be used as a centre-forward when he arrived from Leeds, as a reasonably effective central midfielder. The fact that Smith suffered a broken leg in the FA Cup defeat at Liverpool that will keep him out until September meant there could be no further mistakes in filling this position.

Signing Carrick may cost rather more than United had hoped but it will work out cheaper than pursuing the most obvious alternative, Mahamadou Diarra, whom the Lyon chairman, Jean-Michel Aulas, claimed would cost more than the £24 million Chelsea paid for Michael Essien.

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-6-15 09:41 PM


瑞典翼鋒[color=Red][b]Christian Wilhelmsson 韋希母臣[/color][/b]


kakeidevil 發表於 2006-6-15 09:42 PM


kakeidevil 發表於 2006-6-15 09:45 PM


[color=green][b][size=5]前曼聯隊長"堅尼"在醫生的吩咐下, 正式宣佈退休....
曾經為曼聯7次高舉超聯冠軍獎盃, 同埋4次足總盃獎盃。[/b][/color][/size]


donald15 發表於 2006-6-15 09:47 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2006-6-15 09:42 PM:
[url]http://www.manutd.com/news/fullstory.sps?iNewsid=338092&itype=466&icategoryid=0[/url] [/quote]

kakeidevil 發表於 2006-6-15 09:59 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]donald15[/i] at 2006-6-15 21:47:

費sir要買既人係唔會有風聲既就算有都係傾到9成先會放風 [/quote]


donald15 發表於 2006-6-15 10:30 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kakeidevil[/i] at 2006-6-15 09:59 PM:

我睇精華覺得佢好勁!:good: [/quote]

迷途小羔羊 發表於 2006-6-15 10:35 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]donald15[/i] at 2006-6-15 10:30 PM:

千君所指要佢買既又冇買到或者買唔到 [/quote]

迷途小羔羊 發表於 2006-6-15 10:38 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]donald15[/i] at 2006-6-15 10:30 PM:

千君所指要佢買既又冇買到或者買唔到 [/quote]

arthur8088 發表於 2006-6-16 12:07 AM

West Ham has completed to sign Jon spector of initial fee for 500,000 pounds...

damn......i think he is a good replacement for Gary Neville......speechless

[color=Red]West Ham have completed the signing of Jonathan Spector from Manchester United for an initial fee of £500,000.

The American-born defender, 20, made eight appearances for the Old Trafford club after joining the club in 2003. He spent the entirety of last season out on loan with Charlton, and only missed out on a place in the USA's World Cup squad after dislocating his shoulder.

West Ham commercial director Scott Duxbury told [url]www.whufc.com:[/url] "We have worked very hard to secure this transfer as we believe Jonathan is going to be a big asset to West Ham United. We would like to welcome Jonathan to Upton Park and wish him all the very best for his future career here."

Meanwhile, West Ham striker Yaniv Katan has returned to Maccabi Haifa on a season-long loan with a view to a permanent move.

The Israel international, 25, moved to Upton Park from Maccabi in January but struggled to break into the first team with Dean Ashton, Marlon Harewood, Teddy Sheringham and Bobby Zamora ahead of him and he made just two Premiership starts.

According to West Ham, his wife struggled to adjust to life in London, so the club have agreed to let him move back to Israel.[/color]


[[i] Last edited by arthur8088 on 2006-6-16 at 12:08 AM [/i]]

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