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michael86 發表於 2005-4-11 11:22 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-4-11 11:14 PM:

em.. he's a good GK...
but please.. don't goto Man Utd..
goto some middle-level soccer team to train his skills/confident... first... [/quote]


lliu 發表於 2005-4-12 03:31 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]michael86[/i] at 2005-4-11 10:33 PM:
希望格連上到位la! [/quote]

He may look good in couple matches, but he got a big big weakness, he can't save shot from outside the area, this mean his positioning is not good enough , I don't think any big club will want to sign him now, but he still has room to improve to be a good keeper.

事但 發表於 2005-4-12 07:00 PM

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michael86 發表於 2005-4-12 08:28 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]事但[/i] at 2005-4-12 07:00 PM:

絕大多數是外援門將,本土的卻沒有上陣機會,如何累積經驗? [/quote]


76 發表於 2005-4-12 11:34 PM

how about ian walker

brightlee 發表於 2005-4-12 11:36 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]michael86[/i] at 2005-4-12 22:28:

我都唔明點解雲加唔用泰來.. [/quote]

That's what I have a great question mark in my head for ages!!!

michael86 發表於 2005-4-12 11:38 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-4-12 11:36 PM:

That's what I have a great question mark in my head for ages!!! [/quote]


brightlee 發表於 2005-4-12 11:46 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]michael86[/i] at 2005-4-13 01:38:

當年好地地一個曼寧加都唔要... [/quote]

Manninger didn't want to wait for one more year....at that stage....
well.. no one knows.. if he could be staying ...
nowadays... Manninger.. maybe disappeared in the world now...

kwongt 發表於 2005-4-14 12:52 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]76[/i] at 2005-4-12 11:34 PM:
how about ian walker [/quote]
ian walker三十幾喇...兼且得5'9......

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